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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1121 - 1125 of 2116

USAID redacted this field in accordance with the exceptions outlined in the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accou


USAID redacted this field in accordance with the exceptions outlined in the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act of 2016.


Objectives for Afghanistan: By 2020, the program will improve the living conditions of close to three million Afghan men, women, and children in 330,000 households through public investments in service delivery and basic infrastructure, local economic development, job creation and land tenure security.The project aims to Conduct a city-wide property survey, registration and numbering of houses;Technical assistance to Nahia offices to strengthen municipal finance and revenue collection systems; Support strategic urban planning for local economic development and inclusive service delivery; Implement service and infrastructure projects in line with Nahia strategic plans to stimulate local economic development; Establish representative Gozar (neighborhood) assemblies to foster improved municipal-citizen relations in land management and service delivery, in order to build a sense of civic responsibility and government legitimacy; Strengthen policies and institutional capacities for land management strategic urban planning, and inclusive municipal governance...

Indigenous Communities and Other Key Actors - PPP USAID/Google


(Brazil): This ongoing project's objective is to conserve biodiversity in biologically-significant areas of the Amazon's tropical forests and meets the FY 2017 SFOAA Brazilian Amazon biodiversity earmark and all criteria of USAID's Biodiversity Policy, including an analysis of drivers and threats and a Theory of Change, monitored annually. It supports indigenous lands and peoples. Traditional communities in Brazil have a long history of conservation, currently maintain 20% of the Amazon, and face increasing pressures. This PPP aims to empower at least 30 communities and two governmental agencies (on >8 million hectares) to increase their ability to manage and conserve vast areas by building their capacity to use free technologies and approaches (e.g. Open Data Kit,Google Earth,YouTube) to collect data, manage information and communicate, resulting in better management of their territories and resources, and an enhanced dissemination of their stories, context and priorities.

Feed the Future Land Market Development Activity


(Tajikistan): .The Feed the Future (FTF) Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity promotes the creation of a land market where farmers are able to buy, sell, and lease their agricultural land to those interested in acquiring new land. The ability to buy, sell and lease land opens Tajikistan to possibilities of economic integration with other countries of Central Asia to enhance prosperity and develop economic linkages that bolster regional connectivity and trade and strengthen the country's sovereignty and independence. With FY 2018 funds, the activity will also promote a simple and transparent land registration process with equal access and rights for men and women. To accomplish this, the activity will focus its efforts on updating Tajikistan's land policies and regulations; developing private sector service providers, such as appraisers, to support the emerging land market; simplify land registration procedures through the establishment of registration offices; and, ensure that rural farmers, particularly women, and government officials are aware of changes in land policy and the emergence of the land market. These interventions contribute to the USAID/State Department's Joint Strategic Plan Mission Objective 3.1: Promote Tajikistan's competitiveness in regional and international markets..

Not Applicable


Tunisia - Land Administration System Improvement project - Non-allocated Funds activity: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete. In this particular project, due diligence funds were used to hire external technical assistance to support MCC's assessment and oversight of the MCA's land administration project to ensure country-led designs and subsequent implementation were consistent with MCC guidance.

Land Activity


Malawi II - Land Project - Land Activity: this Activity aims to support analysis, reform, and implementation of reforms to expand national land-based revenues, address institutional change, and address the land rights records that underpin land institution work. Subactivities include: (A) Reform of Resourcing and Institutions Sub-Activity (B) Implementation of Reforms to Resourcing and Institutions Sub-Activity