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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1101 - 1105 of 2116

Côte d'Ivoire - Economic Governance and Growth Support Programme (PAGEC)


The Economic Governance and Growth Support Program (PAGEC) was initiated to strengthen the macroeconomic framework in Côte d'Ivoire through strengthening the efficiency and transparency of public finance management. It is a one-time budget support program over the 2017-2018 period that will help maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework by absorbing part of the country's financing gap in 2017. The PAGEC will consolidate and expand the structural reforms undertaken in recent years to improve public financial management and promote strong, diversified and inclusive growth. In addition, it will support actions which improve the business climate and support reforms to enhance tenure security and governance of the cocoa sector. The overall cost of the program is estimated at UA 156,815,000 for a total duration of 12 months. The two components of the program are (i) enhancing the efficiency and transparency of public financial management; and (ii) diversification of the sources of growth of the Ivorian economy.


The overall objective of the program is to strengthen the effectiveness of public financial management and maintain sustained and inclusive growth. The specific objective of the program is to enhance the efficiency and transparency of public financial management and to consolidate strong, diversified and inclusive growth.

Target Groups

The PAGEC is a program that will benefit all Ivorian populations.

Côte d’Ivoire - Social Inclusion and Cohesion Enhancement Support Programme (PARICS)


The Value Chains Development Project in Indénié-Djuablin Region (PDC-ID) was designed because of, not only the high level of poverty, but also the need to consolidate the gains of the current Agricultural Infrastructure Support Project in Indénié-Djuablin Region (PAIA-ID) activities in order to enhance the sustainability of the project’s impact and trigger a new impetus driven by the private sector and geared towards agribusiness. Therefore, the intervention is urgently needed to help create an enabling framework for the development of an agropole in the Eastern Region. The project will also provide institutional support for actors of value chains and establish frameworks for exchange and cooperation between all actors of a value chain. Its total cost is estimated at UA 4.8 million. The project’s main deliverables are as follows: Support for the production of high-quality seeds, drilling of 30 market gardening wells and installation of irrigation equipment for an area of 50 ha, procurement of 100 tricycles, 20 lorries and 10 tractors, building of 32 km of farm-to-market roads, procurement of 60 farm produce processing units, 4 cold storage units, support to secure land tenure rights over produce-processing sites, training/formation of youth and women’s groups, installation of 7 modern honey-extraction units, establishment of platforms for the rice, banana, maize and vegetable sub-sectors, assistance in the preparation of microprojects, and establishment of a fund for the development of the various sub-sectors. It will have two components: (i) value chain development; and (ii) project management.


The project's sector goal is to contribute to food and nutrition security, and create shared wealth. Its specific objective is to increase the income of actors of the selected value chains.

Target Groups

The project beneficiaries are actors of the targeted value chains organized in groups or cooperatives, and private operators with SME status. The project will directly benefit 9 750 beneficiaries, 80% of them women (heads of seed production farms, processing units, beekeeping units, transport facilities), representing about 20 400 people in total (including family members) and about 13 000 indirect beneficiaries (farmers benefiting from high-yield seeds, cuttings and seedlings of cassava, and yam, and farmers benefiting from processing units). The project will indirectly benefit about 50 000 persons (including those impacted by farm-to-market roads).

Côte d'Ivoire - Economic Governance and Growth Support Programme (PAGEC)


The Social Inclusion and Cohesion Enhancement Support Programme (PARICS) mainly seeks to support Cote d’Ivoire in its efforts to restore social cohesion, improve social inclusion. It address the social and psychological damage caused by the past conflict, as well as nip conflicts in the bud to guarantee greater political stability and more equitable economic growth. The PARICS will support structural reforms and expenditure aimed at consolidating land rights, ensuring the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants, and contributing to psycho-medical care for victims of the conflict period. The programme comprises three components, namely: (a) socio-economic integration of ex-combatants in trades that generate decent incomes; (b) support for resolution of the causes of inter-community conflicts and care for victims; and (c) support for coordination, community participation and transparency.


PARICS seeks to support Cote d’Ivoire’s efforts to restore social cohesion and improve social inclusion. Specifically, the programme covers activities relating to the reintegration of ex-combatants and strengthening of dialogue and social cohesion by providing psycho-social and psycho-medical care to the most affected groups.

Target Groups

The final programme beneficiaries are the entire Ivorian population. The programme will restore social cohesion in the country through several actions mainly ensuring the social integration of ex-combatants socially, providing support to conflict and GBV victims, etc. Specifically, the programme beneficiaries are therefore 15,500 heads of households, including at least 3,700 women, who will earn decent incomes, and 3.5 million inhabitants of conflict-prone zones whose land ownership rights will be recognized, and who will therefore enjoy peaceful relations with the other communities.

Rural Development: Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions - Phase II


The overall objective of the Project is to improve the access of rural poor in the management of land and water resources for sustainable secure incomes of small farmers and sustainable improvement of the productive base. The specific objectives are to support: (i) the policy and the institutional and regulatory processes of land tenure and land rights; and (ii) sustainable development of farming systems and protection of natural resources.