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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1 - 5 of 2116

Climate Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector Development Program


The Climate Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector Development Program (SDP) is proposed to support and accelerate the efficient and effective implementation of the Strategy on Agriculture and Water (SAW) and the Policy on the Promotion of Paddy Production and Rice Export (the Rice Policy). It will address food security and rice commercialization by prioritizing: (i) strengthening the rice value chain; (ii) improving the legal and regulatory framework in agricultural land management; (iii) improving access to credit by paddy producers and rice millers/exporters; and (iv) enhancing paddy production and productivity through improved irrigation water use efficiency, establishment of paddy post-harvesting facilities, and paddy crop insurance pilots. The SDP will (i) address major strategic thrusts of the 2011-2013 Country Partnership Strategy, and sector strategies and roadmap; and (ii) complement the on-going sector initiatives by emphasizing the commercialization aspects of rice.

Emergency project to provide life-saving shelter assistance to 7,200 Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and ho


In the context of worsening drought conditions that have contributed to rising internal displacement in No.50, AVORD is submitting this proposal with the aim of providing essential Non-Food Items (NFIs) and emergency shelters to 7,200 IDPs and host community households. The target group will be selected from those impacted by drought with limited humanitarian support due to access difficulties and blockade. AVORD will adapt systematic approach to beneficiary selection with clear criterion to prioritize the most vulnerable such as the marginalized, unaccompanied children, older persons, persons with disability, single women, pregnant and lactating mothers, single headed-households, persons with chronic illness or psychological condition, large families and/or families with babies, toddlers or children attending school, persons at risk as identified by protection officers and those living in the open or in makeshift buuls without adequate access to shelter. The project team will undertake a vulnerability assessment involving documenting of household profiles in the target area to identify the most vulnerable who are in urgent need for shelter assistance. Data will be collected through a number of methods including structured interviews with households heads, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and direct site observation. Collected data to inform beneficiary selection will also be segregated by gender to ensure that no group is left-out. List of beneficiaries along with their contact numbers will be availed to SHF and other actors responding in the area as needed to avoid overlap. Mindful of the Somali context and utilizing its expertise in target locations, AVORD will pay attention to issues of diversity in the targeting process. Following need-based and transparent selection of beneficiaries, AVORD will provide affected households with standard NFI kits comprising of 1 Plastic Sheet, 3 Blankets, 2 Sleeping Mats, I Kitchen Set, 1 Mosquito Net, 1 Solar Torch and 2 Jerry Cans with the capacity of 10 Liters each. The proposed content in each set is based on current Shelter Cluster standards for people in humanitarian emergencies. Since there are no functioning NFI markets in No.50, AVORD will use an in-kind modality for provision of NFIs. Besides, emergency shelters will be constructed for newly displaced households living in the open or under deplorable shelter conditions. In the construction of these shelters, the project team will ensure adequate separation between individual household shelters and that pathways exist to provide all-weather access to individual dwellings and facilities. AVORD will closely coordinate with relevant line ministries of the South West Administration and No.50 District Authorities to secure land tenure for a minimum of 5 years before the construction of emergency shelters. The effectiveness of the aid package will be ascertained through Post Distribution Monitoring exercise thus ensuring that beneficiaries access their services safely and in a dignified manner. An elaborate feedback and complain mechanism will be setup to ensure accountability to the affected population. In the delivery of the proposed package, AVORD will seek Integration with other clusters and own interventions in the region to ensure complementarity, value for money and efficiency of the response.

Provision of Emergency NFI and Shelter to the people displaced by drought and conflict in Qoryooley district,


The project will involve the distribution of 1400 NFI kits to 1400 HH displaced by repeated conflict and drought in Wadajir, Halane,Dagaaybeere and Hodan in Qoryooley Lower Shabelle region, beneficiaries will be targeted based on vulnerability criteria that will prioritize women headed households, the elderly and children headed households especially girls. The beneficiaries will be distributed equally with each benificiary getting NFI kit comprising 1 Plastic Sheet, 3Blanket, 2 Sleeping mat, , 1Kitchen Set, 1 Mosquito nets, 1 Solar Lumps, 2 Chericans AYUUB will closely coordinate with Other Agencies distributing NFI's in the areas and start the project implementation with community consultations and coordination with Local Authority to identify vulnerable people displaced by the drought. This will include consultations with local authorities, community elders and host communities to identify and register the most vulnerable people for NFIs support. The project implementation will involve the following activities: 1. Beneficiaries registration: AYUUB will hold consultations with community members to jointly determine the targeting criteria, identify the most vulnerable and register beneficiaries for the NFIs and Shelter. AYUUB will prioritize the Most vulnerable people in the Targeted area . AYUUB will also target host communities to ensure that other vulnerable people within the target locations are also assisted based on needs and also avoid conflict between the host community and displaced people. 2. NFIs Throug In Kind distribution: AYUUB will distribute NFIs through in Kind distribution to 1400 households (9100 people) who include 2150 women, 2100 men, 2550 girls, 2300 boys. The age and gender disaggregation is based on the demographic profile in Somalia and prioritization of women and girls who are the most affected by displacements. The actual gender and age breakdown will be reported once beneficiary registration is completed. AYUUB will promote the dignity of the beneficiaries by placing the decision of the content of priority NFIs in their best interests. The approach will empower displaced people in prioritizing needs and give them the power of making decisions for their needs. 3. Shelter Kit though in kind distribution to 1400 HH in Qoryooley district and will be distributed to the same IDP HH received NFI Kits and Provide 1400 Solar Lumps to 1400 HH. 4. Post distribution monitoring: Each distribution will be followed with a post distribution monitoring to get feedback on the distribution process and utilization of the NFIs kits, one month after distribution. 5. AYUUB Will do Community consultations and Meetings to for the respective Communities from the Six IDP Settlements to support community consultations at the initial beneficiary identification and registration, and secure land tenure mainstreaming. 6. AYUUB Will provide cash assistant Support for Construction of Shelter Kits to the targeted Communities themselves and Will be trained 50 Community members’ on Basic construction of ESK (Emergency Shelter Kit) to construct them selves after the receival of Shelter through in Kind.

Addressing the Emergency Shelter NFIs needs for 25,476 of drought affected persons (4,246hhs) in Daynile dist


This project is designed to address the critical need of Shelter /NFIs for the drought affected populations in Daynile district for protection and live-saving assistance through the cluster specific objective. The project is prioritizing newly displaced and drought affected persons who are most vulnerable IDP families including women, girls, persons with disabilities and women headed households, pregnant and lactating women and elderly persons. In order to ensure centrality of protection the project will use community participatory approach in collaboration with different levels of the community including marginalized groups as well as camp committees who have already participated during assessment survey and project designing stage. This project is specifically intended to directly assist 4246hhs (25,476 persons) selected from 16 IDP sites in Daynile district with a specific criteria including to be the newly displaced drought affected persons who live under poor shelter and have in need of NFIs as following breakdown: 25,476 persons - (Women: 4076, Men: 4076, Girls: 8,662, and Boys: 8,662) through Shelter/NFIs intervention due to their vulnerability and needs. Through this project HINNA will construct 335 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) to 335HHs (2010 individuals) plus 335 NFIs to the same households of 335. In addition, the project will specifically distribute 3911 NFIs to selected 3911 hhs (23,466 individuals) in the target IDP sites in Daynile district who are very in need of NFI kits only plus one plastic sheet extra as they will not be receiving the ESKs. HINNA will use in-kind distribution modality of NFIs and ESKs as per the beneficiary consultations and suggestions during the assessment and project designing also HINNA has made sure that that the IDPs and landowners have jointly agreed three to five years of land tenure with the presence of the existing camp committees and local authorities. In summary, the project will directly construct 335 ESKs and distribute 4246 NFIs of which 3911 extra plastic sheets will be added for 3911 hhs (23,466 persons). At the onset of the project, 100 members selected from community levels in the target IDP sites will be mobilized and sensitized on project scope and information as well as the beneficiaries’ selection process and site planning when feasible. PCM/PDM exercise will be conducted for four to six weeks after the construction and distribution to know more about the future preference of IDP communities. A Complaint Response and Feedback Mechanism (CRFM) will be set up so that anyone with complaints about the beneficiaries’ selection process or any other issue will be able to complain. A hot-line will also be available for project beneficiaries to forward his/her complaints and feedback. Secondly, complaints will be channeled through CRFM desk attendants and HINNA MampE team on the ground, settlement leaders and community elders. The project will consider the protection mainstreaming of gender and GBV related issues, as well as disability inclusion is matter in both the response and it’s monitoring to ensure safety and dignity as well as accountability to the affected target populations.