Children's Property Inheritance in the Context of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe
HIV and AIDS has exacerbated the vulnerability of orphaned children who are suffering in a vicious cycle of poverty, food insecurity, lack of access to education, and insecure livelihoods. Moreover, orphaned children are exposed to various forms of abuse by close family members, many of whom are their guardians. Movable and immovable properties that are left by their deceased parents are often confiscated by such guardians.
Land tenure and natural disasters
The impacts of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis have been increasing steadily since the 1950’s, particularly for developing countries. According to a World Bank external evaluation report “natural disasters destroyed US$652 billion in property worldwide in the 1990s alone – an amount 15 times higher in real terms compared to the 1950s. Approximately 2.6 billion people were affected by natural disasters over the past ten years, compared to 1.6 billion in the previous decade.
Why Law Matters: Design Principles for Strengthening the Role of Forestry Legislation in Reducing Illegal Activities and Corrupt Practices
The damage caused by illegal activities and corrupt practices in the world’s forests is a problem of enormous proportions. In many parts of the world, forest exploitation is dominated by rampant illegal harvesting, large-scale violation of trade regulations both domestically and internationally, fraudulent practices abetted or condoned by government officials and other destructive activities in violation of applicable laws. This paper is concerned with one facet of this complex problem–how important is legislation in the fight against destructive and corrupt forestry practices?
Gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y otros recursos naturales
Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 6. Este documento ofrece una evaluación del estado de la gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales en África occidental, comparando las políticas, legislaciones y prácticas nacionales con los principales criterios y normas de una buena gobernanza. El estudio identifica los desafíos a los que los Estados deben hacer frente aunque reconoce también las buenas prácticas e iniciativas emprendidas en materia de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales.
Méthodes de recherche et traitement de l'information pour le contrôle du droit à l’alimentation
Manuel pratique sur le droit à l’alimentation 6. Ce troisième manuel pratique dédié aux méthodes de contrôle pour droit à l'alimentation expose l’utilité d’un accès à une information adéquate pour la surveillance, la collecte d'informations, les moyens de communication et les bases de données nécessaires à la réalisation du suivi et à la diffusion de l'information. Le contenu de ce manuel est basé sur le guide « Méthodes de contrôle pour le droit à une alimentation adéquate (volume I et volume II) » de la FAO.
REDD+& FLEGT Au-delà de la théorie: Travailler ensemble pour renforcer la gouvernance forestière et atténuer les changements climatiques
a perte de couvert forestier contribue à un sixième des émissions annuelles de gaz à effet de serre, et contribue donc de manière significative au changement climatique.
La gouvernance foncière pour les femmes et les hommes
L'égalité hommes-femmes constitue l’un des dix principes fondamentaux d’application des Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale. Ce guide vise à accompagner sa mise en oeuvre par la réalisation d’une gouvernance foncière responsable et équitable en matière de genre. Il est centré sur la façon de gouverner les régimes fonciers pour qu’ils apportent des réponses équitables aux besoins et priorités des femmes et des hommes.
Governance of Tenure -Technical Guide 6: Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands
This is a pop up poster for the publication Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands which will be launched during a special event at FAO Headquarters on 17 June 2016.
Report of Tenure and Fishing Rights 2015: A global forum on rights-based approaches for fisheries, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 23–27 March 2015
The purpose of the forum was to foster a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by different groups in fisheries communities and to find common ground and options for empowering fishers and fisheries stakeholders. The 140 participants from 38 countries discussed the importance of tenure and rights for responsible resource management and equitable development in fisheries. Best practices and lessons learned were identified by forum participants based on their own experiences in a wide range of fisheries.
The conservation and management of shared fish stocks: legal and economic aspects.
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Papers 465: The paper explores both the legal and the economic aspects of the management of each of the several different categories of shared stocks. In so doing, the paper draws heavily upon the results of the October 2002 Norway-FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks, and in particular upon those results arising from the many case studies presented at the consultation.
The state of food and agriculture, 2010-2011
Women make significant contributions to the rural economy in all developing country regions. Their roles OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE differ across regions, yet they consistently have less access than men to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. Increasing women’s access to land, livestock, education, financial services, extension, technology and rural employment would boost their productivity and generate gains in terms of agricultural production, food security, economic growth and social welfare.