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Regional Law No. 331-OZ amending Regional Law No. 278-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Lease contract for lease of agricultural land plots pertaining to public or municipal property shall be concluded for the period from three to 49 years except for cases envisaged by the Federal Law “On turnover of agricultural land” “.

Amends: Regional Law No. 278-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2009-06-04)

Ley Nº 12.086 - Ley de adjudicación de tierras a comunidades aborígenes.

Amérique du Sud

Mediante la presente Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a restituir, bajo la forma jurídica de adjudicación que corresponda, a las Comunidades Aborígenes nucleadas por la Organización de Comunidades Aborígenes de Santa Fe (OCASTAFE) y otras comunidades de la Provincia, tierras fiscales. La adjudicación reviste el carácter de reparación histórica a favor de los pueblos originarios y preexistentes a la Nación (art 2º). Las adjudicaciones se realizarán de manera gratuita y libre de ocupantes, en forma comunitaria o individual, según el interés de cada grupo o comunidad (art. 3º).

Ley Nº 3.247 - Crea la Comisión Provincial de Identificación y Adjudicación de Tierras a las Comunidades Aborígenes.

Amérique du Sud

Mediante la presente Ley se crea la Comisión Provincial de Identificación y Adjudicación de Tierras a las Comunidades Aborígenes, cuya función consiste en identificar las tierras fiscales ocupadas por aborígenes o por comunidades que los agrupen y requerir los relevamientos e inventarios disponibles a quien corresponda. El anexo enumera las tierras fiscales que a tal efecto quedan a disposición de la Comisión. El artículo 11 establece que las tierras que se adjudiquen en virtud de lo previsto por esta Ley son inembargables e inejecutables.

Ley Nº 4.093 - Plan de Arraigo y Colonización. Declara de utilidad pública y sujetos a expropiación varios inmuebles.

Amérique du Sud

En virtud de la presente Ley se intituye un plan especial de colonización denominado Plan de Arraigo y Colinización, el cual se ejecutará en las zonas que se detallan. Estas tierras se considerarán fiscales y se prevé la subdivisión de las tierras en parcelas constitutivas de unidad económica de producción a fin de que las futuras explotaciones que en ellas se constituyan resulten capaces de producir en condiciones económicas y de asegurar la prosperidad de la región.

Decreto Nº 461/2005 – Reglamentación de la Ley Nº 4.093, Plan de Arraigo y Colonización.

Amérique du Sud

Mediante el presente Decreto se reglamenta el Plan de Arraigo y Colonización instituido por la Ley Nº 4.093 en la Provincia de Misiones. Estas disposiciones reglamentarias indican la documentación requerida para acreditar ante la Dirección General de Tierras y Colonización la ocupación y explotación efectiva, directa y racional por un término no menor de tres años. Asimismo se establece que los adjudicatarios de las tierras deberán observar buenas prácticas agrícolas en la explotación del fundo. El artículo 2º indica en qué consisten dichas buenas prácticas agrícolas.

Regional Law No. 475-OZ “On allotment of forest land plots to citizens for agricultural activity for individual personal needs”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge or with the establishment of servitude for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, reindeer ranching, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; (c) apiculture – 0, 3 ha; and (d) other agricultural activities – 5 ha. Citizens shall have the right to allotment of several forest land plots for performance of different agricultural activities.

Regional Law No. 66-4-OZ “On allotment of public land and land of undelimited ownership in urban area to housing construction cooperatives”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allotment of public land and land of undelimited ownership in urban area to housing construction cooperatives. Transfer of land shall be performed by the authorized regional state executive body in the sphere of land management. Regional Government shall define categories of citizens that can be inserted in the lists of housing construction cooperatives subject to allotment of public land and land of undelimited ownership in urban area.

Regional Law No. 387-OZ “On transfer free of charge on condition of ownership to local government of land plots pertaining to regional property”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes the grounds for and the modalities of transfer free of charge on condition of ownership to local government of land plots pertaining to regional property. The aforesaid transfer shall be performed for municipal land-use planning and development of urban areas. Land pertaining to regional property free of third-party claims and not occupied by constructions and edifices can be transferred to local government. The aforesaid transfer shall be performed by decision in the forms of Governor’s Decree.

Regional Law No. 8/2013-OZ amending Regional Law No. 7/2008-OZ “On some issues of legal regulation of land relations”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Orphaned children and children legally free shall have the right of allotment on condition of ownership free of charge of public land for individual housing construction in rural areas, gardening, horticulture and subsidiary smallholding”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 7/2008-OZ “On some issues of legal regulation of land relations”. (2009-06-04)

Regional Law No. 441-OZ “On some issues of granting of forest land plots to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; and (c) other agricultural activities – 5 ha.

Order declaring that the Land in Aluthkade, in Colombo District urgently requires an Urban Development Project.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

This Order, by virtue of the powers vested in Section 2 of the Urban Development Projects (Special Provisions) Act, No. 2 of 1980 establishes that the land specified in the schedule urgently requires an Urban Development Project. One allotment of land depicted as Lot No. A in Plan No. 748 dated 31.08.2003 prepared by A J B Wijayakoon, Licensed Surveyor and Leveller containing in extent of 0A – 3R – 5.25P situated at Aluthkade in Ward No.

Order declaring that the land in Ward No. 37 Kollupitiya, in Colombo District urgently require an Urban Development Project.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

This Order, by virtue of the powers vested in Section 2 of the Urban Development Projects (Special Provisions) Act, No. 2 of 1980. I, Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Minister-in-charge of Defence and Urban Development, establish that the land specified in the schedule urgently requires an Urban Development Project. The Land bearing Asst. Nos. 106 & 106A and depicted as Lot No. 2 in Plan No. 2775 dated 27.01.2006 prepared by D. D. C.