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Federal Soil Protection Act.

Europe occidentale

An Act for the protection and restoration of soil from wastes. It consists of 26 articles divided into 5 Parts. Part 1 contains the definition of certain terms such as, for example, "soil", "functions of the soil", "improvement of the soil, etc., as well as its scope of application. Furthermore, the text deals with the following matters: duty to avert damage to the soil, reduction of damage, adding to or removing materials from the soil, duty to take preventive measures, estimates of danger and inquiry orders. Part 4 establishes principles on sound agricultural use of soil.

Biological Waste Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance contains provisions relating to the use of biological waste on agricultural and forestry soil. The text consists of 14 articles as follows: Sphere of application (art. 1); Definition of terms (art. 2); Requirements for waste treatment (art. 3); Requirements relating to harmful substances (art. 4); Requirements for mixed substances (art. 5); Limitations and prohibitions (art. 6); Additional requirements for use of biological waste on green surfaces (art. 7); Biological waste and sludge (art. 8); Monitoring of soil (art.

Water Association Act.

Europe occidentale

An Act to set new environmental policy standards by giving water and soil associations new rural management duties. Moreover, associations can promote cooperation between water management and agriculture while further developing the protection of water, soil and nature. Finally, the associations can be assigned tasks within the framework of set-aside land. The Act grants the associations a far-reaching right to self-administration as, for instance, the power to issue by-laws; furthermore, association may be established also by a decision of its members and not only ex-officio.

Drainage (Northern Ireland) Order 1973 (No. 69 (NI 1)).

Europe septentrionale

This Order provides for drainage in Northern Ireland and defines functions of the Minister and the Drainage Council of Northern Ireland. The Minister may establish drainage schemes for the benefit of watercourses and sea defences. For the purpose of this Order, the Minister may acquire land, either by agreement or compulsorily. The Order also defines duties of occupiers in respect of drainage works and provides for, among other things, drainage schemes extending outside Northern Ireland, removal of noxious weeds, protection of watercourses and control of dams and sluices.

Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act 2002 (No. 53 of 2002).

Asie orientale

This Act provides for soil contamination countermeasures for protecting health through assessing contamination and preventing the damage to human health.The Act requires that owners, managers and occupiers of sites on which certain facilities producing, using or processing specified hazardous substances exist are responsible for examining soil for contamination of the sites when the operation of the facilities finishes and for reporting results of the investigation to the prefectural governors.

Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Público, que tiene bajo su competencia la registración y la expedición de certificaciones acerca de la constitución, modificación y extinción de derechos sobre propiedad inmueble, hipotecas comunes y de cédulas, sociedades mercantiles y civiles, asociaciones civiles, poderes de personas físicas y concesiones de la zona marítima terrestre.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)

Sale of Reclaimed Lands Act.

Amérique septentrionale

This Act empowers, subject to certain restrictions, the Minister to sell any lot of land being property of the Government of Bermuda and forming part of any lands reclaimed from the foreshores of Bermuda or from the bed of the sea adjacent thereto. The sale shall be at a fair market price approved by the Cabinet and preferentially to a neighbouring landowner likely to be affected. A conveyance of land on the sale thereof under this Act may be in the form set out in the Schedule, or similar circumstances permit, or in such form as the Attorney-General advises.

Lower Austria Soil Protection Law.

Europe occidentale

The purpose of the present Law is to conserve and protect the soil against harmful effects, in particular against erosion, densification of the soil and hazardous substances, and to improve and restore the health of the soil. To reach this aim everyone shall behave in such a way as to reduce damage to the soil to the unavoidable minimum – in particular accumulation of hazardous substances in the soil and deterioration of the soil structure – in view of ensuring an effective soil protection.

Burgenland Sewage Sludge and Compost Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to sewage sludge. In particular, article 2 lists maximum amounts allowed for certain metals, such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and mercury. Article 3 regulates the modalities of the sampling of soil. The text consists of 6 articles.

Implements: Burgenland Soil Protection Law. (2001)

Upper Austria Land Use Planning Law 1994.

Europe occidentale

The purpose of the present Act is the economic and expedient use of the soil; the protection and care of the environment and , in particular the conservation or reinstatement of the sustainable purity of the air, water and soil, as well as the avoidance of noise; the conservation or reinstatement of a healthy nature, the protection of the indigenous fauna and flora and their natural living spaces, of the cultural heritage and, finally, in particular that of housing and recreational areas.