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Displaying 1921 - 1932 of 2623

Decreto Supremo Nº 010/06/AG - Procedimientos administrativos del Proyecto Especial Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT).

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Proyecto Especial Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT).

Enmendado por: Resolución Nº 010-2007-AG ─ Modifica los procedimientos administrativos del Proyecto Especial Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT). (2007-01-10)
Revocado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 022-2012-VIVIENDA ─ Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos (TUPA) del Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI). (2012-12-30)

Decreto Nº 2.368 - Crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras, como un organismo del Gobierno nacional encargado de formular lineamientos generales, coordinar y articular la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de restitución de tierras de los despojados en los términos establecidos en la Ley Nº 1.448 de 2011.Son funciones del Consejo Superior de Restitución de Tierras: 1) actuar como instancia máxima en asesoría y coordinación en materias relacionadas con la restitución de tierras de los despojados; 2) servir de organismo coordinador de las acc

Facilities for Title Act (Cap. 99).


This Act provides with respect to the application for and the granting of loans for an agricultural purpose, or for a purpose declared under section 39 to be an approved purpose, the security necessary for the support of such loans and relative proof of title of rights in land.

National Lands (Amendment) Act, 2001 (No. 10 of 2001).

Amérique centrale

The principal Act is amended by adding sections 43 to 58 so as to provide for enforcement notices that the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys may serve on any person that the Commissioner or any person to which section 3 applies is, is of the opinion that any person is contravening the terms and conditions of any grant, lease or licence or is wilfully failing to comply with any frontage lines as provided for in section 24 or any high water mark boundary as provided in section 28, or is otherwise contravening any other provisions of the principal Act or any Regulations made thereunder.

Farms Act (No. 504 of 1989).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of this Act is to protect and develop cultivation of arable lands with specific regard to requirements of environment protection and to safeguard and enhance profitable farming.Agricultural properties shall be subject to conditions of farming as specified in the present Act. Agricultural properties shall be real property registered as such in the register ("matrikle").

Law No. 11.977 regulating the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” on land regularization in urban settlements.

Amérique du Sud

This Law, composed of four Chapters divided into 83 articles, regulates the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” on regularization of urban settlements. It aims to support municipalities in building new houses in order to help families to get one, giving priority to people living within informal settlements of urban areas. The Law pays special attention to sustainable urban projects and it also defines criteria to evaluate them.

Farms Act (No. 1202 of 2007).

Europe septentrionale

This Act ensures sound and diversified use of agricultural property for agricultural production, sustainable development of agricultural industries and improving the competitiveness of these industries; accommodates development in rural areas requiring these properties to be registered as a farm in Survey and Cadastre Authority's land register.The Act consists of 20 Chapters: Purpose (1); Definitions (2); Planning (3); Listed as farm (4); Termination or cancellation of farm duty (5); Residency requirement, residential buildings, vacant agricultural properties, operations, etc.

Farms Act (No. 947 of 2006).

Europe septentrionale

This Act ensures sound and diversified use of agricultural property for agricultural production, sustainable development of agricultural industries and improving the competitiveness of these industries; accommodates development in rural areas requiring these properties to be registered as a farm in Survey and Cadastre Authority's land register.The Act consists of 20 Chapters: Purpose (1); Definitions (2); Planning (3); Listed as farm (4); Termination or cancellation of farm duty (5); Residency requirement, residential buildings, vacant agricultural properties, operations, etc.

Unit Titles Act 2009.


This Act makes provision for the subdivision of land by a registered proprietor of a freehold estate or a leasehold estate in land that is subject to the Land Titles Registration Act 2008. The subdivision of land so as to provide for units shall be effected by approval under the Survey Act 2010 of a plan, which shall be drafted in accordance with this Act. Upon the approval of a unit plan, a common property in the plan vests in the body corporate created on approval of the plan.

Ordinance on fees for geo-data and geo-services (Geo-Data Fees Ordinance).

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements the Spatial Information Ordinance of 17 June 2008. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to fees to be charged for access to geo-data and rendered geo-services. The text – consisting of 12 articles – deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: sphere of application, access to data, transfer of data, utilization of geo-services, fees for similar products, value added tax, repeal, entry into force.

Implements: Cantonal Ordinance on official survey (Cantonal Official Survey Ordinance). (2010-06-12)

Resolución Nº 9/09 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 622/07, que aprueba diversos formatos de certificados de títulos, constancias anotadas y registración complementaria.

République dominicaine

La presente Resolución modifica la que aprueba los formatos actuaciones de carácter administrativo, en relación a los servicios objeto de la contribución especial de tazas por servicios en la Jurisdicción Inmobiliaria.

Enmienda: Resolución Nº 622/07 - Aprueba diversos formatos de certificados de títulos, constancias anotadas y registración complementaria. (2007-04-04)