Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 2403Colectivo Agrario Abya Yala
Somos Colectivo Agrario Abya Yala, una organización interdisciplinar que busca contribuir a la construcción y fortalecimiento de los planes de vida de poblaciones campesinas, negras e indígenas y la reivindicación de sus derechos al territorio. Trabajamos en la búsqueda de soluciones y alternativas a los problemas agrarios y a los conflictos por la tierra y los territorios en Colombia, basados en la praxis del trabajo colectivo al servicio de nuestros pueblos, la investigación-acción y la promoción de la autonomía y la auto-gestión.
Comunidad Estudios Jaina
La Comunidad de Estudios JAINA es una colectividad de construcción de conocimientos sobre la realidad del Sur de Bolivia, que trabaja apoyando la lucha de los pueblos por la constitución de una sociedad más justa, equitativa, descolonizada, despatriarcalizada, plural e incluyente. Los procesos de investigación y acción que abarcamos responden a la agenda de las organizaciones campesinas e indígenas principalmente y se inspiran en el trabajo colectivo comunal enmarcado en la reciprocidad y pertenencia a un grupo.
Fundación Tierra
TIERRA es una organización no gubernamental boliviana. Busca ideas y propuestas para el desarrollo rural sostenible de la población indígena, originaria y campesina. Impulsa el acceso equitativo y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, especialmente de la tierra y el territorio.
PanNature - Trung tâm Con người và Thiên nhiên
PanNature is a Vietnamese not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting and conserving diversity of life and improving human well-being in Vietnam by seeking, promoting and implementing feasible, nature-friendly solutions to important environmental problems and sustainable development issues.
During the period of 2011 – 2015, PanNature sets five primary goals for its efforts as follows:
Council for the Development of Cambodia
Recognizing that the real economic growth necessary to achieve the country’s developmental goals lies in the development of a healthy private sector, the government undertook a program of reform to promote private sector investment. As part of this reform program, the Law on Foreign Investment in the Kingdom of Cambodia of 1994 established the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC). This law made the CDC the highest decision-making level of the government for private and public sector investment.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) was founded in 1992 and currently has a staff of about 320 people. The historic buildings of the institute and its high-performance computer are located on Potsdam’s Telegraphenberg campus. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and receives core funding of about 11 million euros from the German federal government and the Federal State of Brandenburg.
iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing 4 social enterprises, employing nearly 1,000 people directly, and indirectly enabling many more through our market-based approaches in agriculture; water, sanitation, and health; and finance.
Our beliefs are best summarized in a series of simple statements that guide our daily actions.
Osnabrück University
Osnabrück University, founded in 1974, is a young, vibrant university in northwest Germany that is renowned for its research and teaching in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Law and Business Administration/Economics. The University provides ideal conditions for about 13.500 students and PhD students to learn and conduct research. Both its structured PhD programs and modular degree programs feature high standards of quality; they are accredited, and lead to the conferral of internationally recognized degrees.
HLH Group Unlimited
HLH was founded in Singapore since 1988, from a sole proprietorship providing construction services, it has become a regional property developer and producer of raw and processed agricultural products. It has been listed on the mainboard of Singapore Stock Exchange since 21 June 2000.
The Group operates two core business segments: Property Development and Agriculture.
Geoffrey Payne and Associates
Geoffrey Payne and Associates (GPA) was established in 1995 and has since undertaken consultancy, training and research assignments throughout the world. Clients include national governments, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), UN-HABITAT, SIDA, the World Bank, Cities Alliance and various NGOs and universities. A range of materials, from books, articles, media packs and documentary films have been produced and can be found under the publications link.