Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 2403Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología Rural
De la Asociación
a) Servir a los intereses científicos de la Sociología Rural y disciplinas afines promoviendo las investigaciones necesarias tendientes a alcanzar la comprensión y análisis de las problemáticas rurales latinoamericanas y acercarnos a la solución de las mismas.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Argumentos
Argumentos. Estudios críticos de la sociedad, es una publicación cuatrimestral editada por la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco (UAM-X). Creada en 1987 con la idea de proporcionar a la comunidad intelectual los resultados del trabajo académico y de investigación.
Scoping and status study on Land and Conflict
This publication presents a functional analysis of how the United Nations System deals with land and conflict across the UN pillars of peace, security, development and human rights. It reviews areas of engagement of eighteen UN Agencies across the full conflict cycle - from preparedness and prevention to humanitarian response, conflict mediation, peacemaking, peace consolidation and peace-building, recovery and development.
Building a secure future: perceptions of property rights in India
The idea behind this initial survey is simple: to find out if people in India are worried about their existing property rights or lack of them - whether women or men, owners or tenants, in cities or in villages. The survey results reveal that insecurity of property rights is widespread in India.
China: Minister: Rural Collective Property Rights Reform Safeguards Women's Legal Interests
By: Women Voice, Rong Chen
Date: January 5th 2017
Source: Women of China
Two high-ranking officials from China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) attended a press briefing on January 3 to explain the nation's latest policies on the reform of collective rural property rights.
Malaysia: Jaban: Dayak MPs, reps have failed to protect land rights
By: FMT Reporters
Date: January 6th 2017
Source: Free Malaysia Today
Sarawak activist says it is time to vote out complacent Dayak lawmakers who have done nothing except take care of themselves and their positions in politics.
PETALING JAYA: A human rights advocate says Dayak lawmakers have failed the people on Adat, the customary law, as stated in the Sarawak Land Code.
Cambodia’s Environment Minister Says Land Concession Problems Solved
By: Moniroth Morm
Date: January 5th 2017
Source: Radio Free Asia
Cambodia’s environmental minister claimed this week that problems stemming from the country’s economic land concessions were solved, a notion that was called into question by a civil society organization that monitors land issues in the Southeast Asian country.
Deforestation-driven food-web collapse linked to emerging tropical infectious disease, Mycobacterium ulcerans
Generalist microorganisms are the agents of many emerging infectious diseases (EIDs), but their natural life cycles are difficult to predict due to the multiplicity of potential hosts and environmental reservoirs. Among 250 known human EIDs, many have been traced to tropical rain forests and specifically freshwater aquatic systems, which act as an interface between microbe-rich sediments or substrates and terrestrial habitats.
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