Topics and Regions
I am enterprising and idealistic and know how to excite people to think about a different society. For many years I have been experimenting in the field of new economy and society.
I am not an activist, or am I? I take action by being the example. Especially on a small scale and starting with myself, like adopting a child in addition to the three own children we already had. In my working life I build the first professional fair trade shop in the Netherlands and set up the first carshare company (MyWheels).
To me an economy of sharing is more than the smart sharing of products and services. Equally important is a different business model of an organisation, one that is better suited for this new way of thinking. When sharing cars, one should also share the profit and the responsibility. Currently I am in the process of setting up an international center for the new economy in the Veerhuis in Varik, the place where Pieter Kooistra lived. Here I like to explore what else can be shared besides cars and thus take responsibility collectively for a dignified human existence and peace on earth.
I am co-auteur of the bestseller ‘Nieuwe Business Modellen form Prof J. Jonker. This requires, among other things, a new view on making a business plan. I developed the concept of a business plan in a box: a box that invites to develop the inside and outside of an organisation in a balanced way. See:
The newest step is sharing the Earth. On this page ( we started a program to donate the land of the Veerhuis in a way we can never trade in this piece land anymore. After that we wil start the proces to put the whole Earth on the World Heritage List: