Topics and Regions
Information Technology and Web consultant.
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You can reuse the Land Book data in your own website, project, research and more. Learn more about licencing.
The Land Book is organized around world-wide country-based datasets and indicators.
Country portfolios
A short video tutorial to introduce our new country pages.
Data Model
Prefix | Namespace |
dct | |
dc | |
foaf | |
rdfs | |
skos | |
owl | |
rdf | |
bibo | |
edm | |
prov | |
schema | |
cex | |
A dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent (source), and available for access or download in one or more formats (definition from DCAT).
The fields of a dataset are:
- Label: Label of the dataset.
- Description: Description of the dataset.
- ID: Internal ID of the dataset.
- Organization: Organization that publish the dataset.
- Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the dataset.
- Related Themes: Themes related to the dataset.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the dataset.
RDF types: skos:Concept, qb:DataSet, dcat:Dataset
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type | Linked type of resource | Scheme of concept |
Label | skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label | literal | ||
Description | skos:definition | literal | ||
ID | skos:notation | literal | ||
Organization | dct:publisher | resource | CT: Organization | |
Geographical focus | dct:spatial | resource | skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location | Taxonomy: Regions |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: Themes |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts |
A statistical indicator is a data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics (definition from OECD). Currently, the place is limited to the country level.
The fields of an indicator are:
- Label: Label of the indicator.
- Description: Description of the indicator.
- Dataset: Dataset with data of this indicator
- ID: Internal ID of the indicator.
- Min: Minimun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Max: Maximun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Measurement unit: Measurement unit, like % or hectares, of the indicator.
- has Coded Value: The values for this indicator is taken from some controlled term list (could be characters, colors, strings, numbers...) Read more
- High / Low: High means it is better to have a high value, low means the best value is the lowest one (like in rankings).
- Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the indicator.
- Related Themes: Themes related to the indicator.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the indicator.
RDF types: skos:Concept, cex:Indicator
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type | Linked type of resource | Scheme of concept |
Label | skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label | literal | ||
Description | skos:definition | literal | ||
ID | skos:notation | literal | ||
Geographical focus | dct:spatial | resource | skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location | Taxonomy: Regions |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: Themes |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts |
An Observation represent a single indicator value for a given year and country
We consider three main dimensions for each observation:
- Area: A geographic area (a country or a region)
- Time: The time that is referred by that observation (usually a year or time interval)
- Indicator: The reference indicator
An observation has a value (could be numeric or not)
Previous documentation
This is the old documentation, that is is going to be updated soon
Access to the data
All our data are made accessible in LOD and we provide a SPARQL endpoint to query them.
Your can query our endpoint at:
The SPARQL queries that have been used to retrieve the stats data in the country pages are available on gitHub.
Before import the data in the Land Portal Triple Store, the data comes from a variety of datasets. Some of them are available on landbook-importers github repository.
You can use our visualization library: View COuntry DAta (js-view-coda), which is available on GitHub
All the visualizations you saw on the Land Book pages are using this library.
Share it, get in touch. Questions? Contact us!
Are you are using our data for your project? Share the love with us! If you want, we can even broadcast your audience and share it with people who are intereset in the same land-related issues as you.
Don't hesitate to conctact the Land Portal team if you have any question or suggestion.
You can reuse the Land Book data in your own website, project, research and more. Learn more about licencing.
The Land Book is organized around world-wide country-based datasets and indicators.
Country portfolios
A short video tutorial to introduce our new country pages.
Data Model
A dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent (source), and available for access or download in one or more formats (definition from DCAT).
The fields of a dataset are:
- Label: Label of the dataset.
- Description: Description of the dataset.
- ID: Internal ID of the dataset.
- Organization: Organization that publish the dataset.
- Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the dataset.
- Related Themes: Themes related to the dataset.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the dataset.
RDF types: skos:Concept, qb:DataSet, dcat:Dataset
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type | Linked type of resource | Scheme of concept |
Label | skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label | literal | ||
Description | skos:definition | literal | ||
ID | skos:notation | literal | ||
Organization | dct:publisher | resource | CT: Organization | |
Geographical focus | dct:spatial | resource | skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location | Taxonomy: Regions |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: Themes |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts |
A statistical indicator is a data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics (definition from OECD). Currently, the place is limited to the country level.
The fields of an indicator are:
- Label: Label of the indicator.
- Description: Description of the indicator.
- Dataset: Dataset with data of this indicator
- ID: Internal ID of the indicator.
- Min: Minimun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Max: Maximun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Measurement unit: Measurement unit, like % or hectares, of the indicator.
- has Coded Value: The values for this indicator is taken from some controlled term list (could be characters, colors, strings, numbers...) Read more
- High / Low: High means it is better to have a high value, low means the best value is the lowest one (like in rankings).
- Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the indicator.
- Related Themes: Themes related to the indicator.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the indicator.
RDF types: skos:Concept, cex:Indicator
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type | Linked type of resource | Scheme of concept |
Label | skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label | literal | ||
Description | skos:definition | literal | ||
ID | skos:notation | literal | ||
Geographical focus | dct:spatial | resource | skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location | Taxonomy: Regions |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: Themes |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about | resource | skos:Concept | Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts |
An Observation represent a single indicator value for a given year and country
We consider three main dimensions for each observation:
- Area: A geographic area (a country or a region)
- Time: The time that is referred by that observation (usually a year or time interval)
- Indicator: The reference indicator
An observation has a value (could be numeric or not)
Previous documentation
This is the old documentation, that is is going to be updated soon
Access to the data
All our data are made accessible in LOD and we provide a SPARQL endpoint to query them.
Your can query our endpoint at:
The SPARQL queries that have been used to retrieve the stats data in the country pages are available on gitHub.
Before import the data in the Land Portal Triple Store, the data comes from a variety of datasets. Some of them are available on landbook-importers github repository.
You can use our visualization library: View COuntry DAta (js-view-coda), which is available on GitHub
All the visualizations you saw on the Land Book pages are using this library.
Share it, get in touch. Questions? Contact us!
Are you are using our data for your project? Share the love with us! If you want, we can even broadcast your audience and share it with people who are intereset in the same land-related issues as you.
Don't hesitate to conctact the Land Portal team if you have any question or suggestion.
Land Events
Find out what’s happening in your city, region and online using our unique land events calendar and listings below.
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Land Book Data Reuse
All the statistical data is available as Linked Open Data (LOD), using the Land Book LOD data model.
You can reuse the Land Book data in your own website, project, research and more (read more about our licenses).
Is the data available? where? how?
All our statistical data is accessible as Linked Open Data.
A SPARQL endpoint ( is provided to query the data.
The SPARQL queries that have been used to retrieve the stats data in the country pages are available on gitHub.
Land Portal Linked Open Data: generation and consume flow
The process to offer all the Land Portal data as Linked Open Data is not a trivial task. Some task are run for this purpouse. Let's have a one on them (see the numbers in the circles):
- The first process is to generate RDF from the statistical data that is not available as Linked Open Data in the Land Book LOD Data Model. The statistical data, that comes from a variety of datasets and in a divertisty of formats (excel files, CSV, APIs, JSON, XML...) is passed throught a one of the landbook-importers (available on the github repository). So, after the import process, a list of RDF files are generated and ready to be uploaded to the triple store.
- The generated RDF files (that contains the statistical information) are uploaded to Virtuoso, a triple store (also know as RDF store), where the information can be queried using the SPARQL protocol.
This process is focused in uploading the data from into the Virtuoso triple store in the Land Portal LOD data model. (this portal that is running over a Drupal instance) hosts a lot of data saved in a MySQL database. In order to push all this data into the Land Portal Virtuoso a process is runned. This process, using the SPARQL Update protocol, is a combination of a customized fork of the rdfx module (that shapes the RDF generated by Drupal) and a customized fork of the RDF Drupal Indexer module. The latter module uses the Drupal Search API to publish triples to a triple store (in a selected graph).
In the moment that all the data is available on the Virtuoso triple store, it can be queried using the SPARQL procotol through the SPARQL endpoint (
Land Book LOD Data Model
The Land Book LOD Data Model is organized around country-based datasets and indicators, following widely adopted standards for statistical data.
The Land Book LOD data model (part of the whole Land Portal LOD data model) is designed on top of the following existing vocabularies:
- Dublin Core for properties common to most resources
- RDF Data Cube provides a means to publish multi-dimensional data, such as statistics, on the web in such a way that it can be linked to related data sets and concepts using RDF
- Computex (Computing Statistical Indexes) can be seen as an extension of RDF Data Cube vocabulary to handle statistical indexes.
- SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange), an ISO standard for exchanging and sharing statistical data and metadata among organizations.
- The OWL-Time ontology is an ontology of temporal concepts, for describing the temporal properties of resources in the world
- The vocabulary for properties of all relevant entities (creative works, persons, organizations, events, places)
- The SKOS vocabulary for all related concepts
Table 1. Namespaces used in the Land Book LOD data model
Prefix | Namespace |
cex | |
dct | |
lb | |
owl | |
qb | |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
schema | |
sdmx-attribute | |
skos | |
time | |
Entity: Dataset
A dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent (source), and available for access or download in one or more formats (definition from DCAT).
The fields of a dataset are:
- Label: Label of the dataset.
- Description: Description of the dataset.
- ID: Internal ID of the dataset.
- Logo: The logo of the dataset
- License: The license of the dataset
- Copyright details: Detailed copyright statements to be highlighted
- Organization: Organization that publish the dataset.
- Related Themes: Themes related to the dataset.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the dataset.
RDF types:
skos:Concept, qb:DataSet, dcat:Dataset
URI pattern:{dataset-ID}
Values: Taxonomy: Dataset
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type (details) |
Label |
skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label |
literal |
Description |
skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment |
literal |
ID |
skos:notation, dct:identifier |
literal |
Organization (publisher) | dct:publisher | resource (Entity: Organization) |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about (Drupal) | resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme) |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about (Drupal) | resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept) |
Logo | schema:image, schema:logo | resource |
License | dct:license | resource (Entity: License) |
Copyright details | dc:rights | literal |
See Also | rfds:seeAlso | resource (Drupal) |
Entity: Indicator
A statistical indicator is a data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics (definition from OECD). Currently, the place is limited to the country level.
The fields of an indicator are:
- Label: Label of the indicator.
- Description: Description of the indicator.
- Picture: Image to describe the indicator.
- Dataset: Dataset with data of this indicator
- ID: Internal ID of the indicator.
- Min: Minimun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Max: Maximun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
- Measurement unit: Measurement unit, like % or hectares, of the indicator.
- has Coded Value: The values for this indicator is taken from some controlled term list (could be characters, colors, strings, numbers...) Read more
- High / Low: High means it is better to have a high value, low means the best value is the lowest one (like in rankings).
- Related Themes: Themes related to the indicator.
- Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the indicator.
RDF types:
skos:Concept, cex:Indicator
URI pattern:{indicator-ID}
Values: Taxonomy: Indicator
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type (details) |
Label |
skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label |
literal |
Description |
skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment |
literal |
ID |
skos:notation, dct:identifier |
literal |
Dataset | dct:source | resource (Entity: Dataset) |
Measurement unit | sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure | literal |
Themes | dct:subject, schema:about | resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme) |
Related concepts (LandVoc) | dct:subject, schema:about | resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept) |
Picture | schema:image | resource |
See also | rdfs:seeAlso | resource (Drupal) |
Entity: Observation
An Observation represent a single indicator value for a given year and area.
We consider three main dimensions for each observation:
- Indicator: The reference indicator
- Area: A geographic area (a country or a region)
- Time: The time that is referred by that observation (usually a year or time interval). Use Time Ontology in OWL.
And each observation has a value:
- Value: could be numeric or not (xsd:integer, xsd:double, xsd:string)
Also each observation has:
- Label: A label generated using the pattern "Value of {Region} in {Time} for indicator {Indicator}"@en
- Note: An optional comment or note about the observation.
- Dataset: Dataset to which an observation belongs
- Timestamp: Date when the observation was generated
- Computation from which this observation has been obtained, from a closed list (with rdf:type cex:ObsStatus, like cex:Raw)
- Observation status: Observation status code obtained from a close list
RDF types:
URI pattern:{dataset-ID}/observation/{observation-ID}
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type (details) |
Indicator | cex:ref-indicator | resource (Entity: Indicator) |
Area | cex:ref-area | resource (Entity: Region) |
Time | cex:ref-time | resource (time:DateTimeInterval) |
Value | cex:value |
literal (xsd:integer, xsd:double, xsd:string) |
Label | rdfs:label | literal |
Note | rdfs:comment | literal |
Dataset | qb:dataSet | resource (Entity: Dataset) |
Timestamp | dct:issued | literal (xsd:date) |
Computation obtained from | cex:computation | resource (with rdf:type cex:ObsStatus) |
Observation status codes | sdmx-concept:obsStatus | literal (code list) |
Entity: Region (Land Book)
RDF types:
URI pattern:{ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3)}
Values: Taxonomy: Regions (only with ISO3 code)
Properties | RDF predicates | Predicate type |
Name | dct:title, rdfs:label | literal |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3) | dct:identifier, skos:notation, geonames:countryCode | literal |
Previous documentation
This is the old documentation, that is is going to be updated soon
You can use our visualization library: View COuntry DAta (js-view-coda), which is available on GitHub
All the visualizations you saw on the Land Book pages are using this library.
Country portfolios
A short video tutorial to introduce our new country pages.
Share it, get in touch. Questions? Contact us!
Are you are using our data for your project? Share the love with us! If you want, we can even broadcast your audience and share it with people who are intereset in the same land-related issues as you.
Don't hesitate to conctact the Land Portal team if you have any question or suggestion.
Controlled Vocabularies and Taxonomies developed by the Land Portal
To classify and structure the content on the website, the Land Portal makes use of several standard and controlled vocabularies. Using controlled lists of terms to describe the topical of geographical coverage of a resource (whether that be a statistical indicator, publication or news item), makes the resource much more discoverable. This way, users that search for information concerning a particular topic or country, will not miss information that was tagged with a synonym of that topic or a slightly different name for a country - as would happen when the list of terms is 'open' and not controlled.
Below you can find some of the vocabularies that the Land Portal users can use to classify content.
To classify the topical coverage of a resource, the Land Portal website uses a controlled thesaurus called LandVoc jointly with cross-cutting Themes. Go to this page to learn more about LandVoc.
Regions & Countries
Identifying countries may seem as an easy element when you classify content. Apart from areas that are disputed as being an indepedent country or part of another, it will more or less be clear whether a resource focuses on a particular country or region. However, people may call countries by their different names. For example, a user might search for resources that focus on 'Laos', but if they enter only that word in a search engine - they might miss resources that are tagged with 'Lao', 'Lao PDR', 'Lao People Democratic Republic' and more variations. Using a controlled list according to ISO-3 standards (a unique three-letter code for each country), ensures that content related to a particular country remains discoverable, even when people have different ways to name the country.
In the case of continental and sub-continental regions, the UN M.49 alpha code, a standard for area codes used by the United Nations is used. In this standard, each area code is a 3-digit number which can refer to a wide variety of geographical, political, or economic regions, like a continent, a country, or a specific group of developed or developing countries.
The Land Portal website uses a controlled list for the languages that can be identified as the language of a resource. This list does not include all languages. If you would like to see a particular language added, please contact us.
In order to enable the ability for others to re-use and therefore increase the impact of the content a user adds to the Land Portal website, it is very important to state the conditions under which the particular resource can be re-used. The license of a resource determines these conditions. Through our licenses taxonomy, you will be able to see the standard licenses of the Creative Commons.
Land Library Resource Types
The Land Portal Foundation aggregates information from a wide range of sources and data providers. Each individual source has a slightly different way of classifying the type of resource they publish. The Land Portal Foundation has therefore developed a controlled list of broad categories of resource types, to accommodate the different classifications from all kinds of sources. Through the link above you can view the resource types the Land Portal Foundation has identified.
Organization Types
When an organization is profiled on the Land Portal website, the type of organization will be classified. This can be valuable information to see what types of organizations are most active around land, which organizations publish the most materials about land, etc. The classification for organizations used by the Land Portal Foundation can be found through the link above.
Event Types
When an event is published on the Land Portal website, the type of event will be classified. This can be valuable information to see what types of events are organized around land topics. The classification for events used by the Land Portal Foundation can be found through the link above.
The Land Portal Foundation aggregates information about projects. When a project has a budget, it is attached to a currency.
LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus
LandVoc is a thesaurus covering concepts related to land governance. LandVoc, currently in its second version, now consists of 310 concepts organized hierarchically and is available in a multitude of languages. These languages include English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Khmer, Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Swahili and Arabic.
LandVoc is an AGROVOC sub-vocabulary hosted by FAO.
There is no doubt that good land governance is central and pivotal to larger processes such as poverty reduction, sustainable development and environmental sustainability. Without good information and data on the matter, however, many opportunities to improve land governance and in turn, larger global processes, are vastly diminished. We believe Linked Open Data is a powerful means to equip people with the right information and tools to address land and property rights issues.
While the process is a challenging one, we are sure that we can achieve our mission. You can help us by donating! As the Foundation is a registered non-profit in the Netherlands (ANBI), your donation can be deducted from your income tax*.
How can I donate?
Donating to the Land Portal Foundation supports its mission to promote secure land rights and equitable land access worldwide. Your contribution helps in fostering an open data ecosystem on land governance, aiding in informed decision-making and policy development. By donating, you empower their efforts in addressing critical issues like land degradation, climate change, and the rights of indigenous communities. Your support enables the foundation to continue its valuable research, educational webinars, and the dissemination of extensive land governance resources.
Bank transfer
Name Account Holder
Stichting The Land Portal
Account number
301 2485 24
IBAN (European accounts only)
NL36 RABO 0301 2485 24
Bank name
* Regulations may vary depending on national laws.
Will you share that data?
A call to understand a bit more about sharing data, metadata, linking things up and how it all plays together in today's Web to help answer tomorrow's challenges.
Publish data on the Web, what is Open Data, why it matter. (*) - part 1
- Why it matters
- Stop data hugging, go for Open Data !
How to make your data (re)useable by other (**, ***) - part 2
- Structure your data
- Use Open standards and formats