Program Advisor LAND-at-scale at RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
Displaying 41 - 50 of 61Sharing land governance knowledge within the Dutch government through LAND-at-scale
The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.
Where Bottom-Up and Top-Down Meet: Challenges in Shaping Sustainable & Scalable Land Interventions
LAND-at-scale is a land governance support program for developing countries from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, which was launched in 2019. The aim of the program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale in lower- and middle-income countries/regions/landscapes. The program is designed to scale successful land governance initiatives and to generate and disseminate lessons learned to facilitate further scaling.
Knowledge Management for Equitable and Sustainable Land Governance: launching the LAND-at-scale knowledge management strategy
Knowledge management and learning are at the heart of the LAND-at-scale program. On June 29th at a pre-event of the LANDac conference, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), LANDac and the International Land Coalition (ILC) officially announced their collaboration to implement the knowledge management (KM) component of the program.
Uneven Ground: Land inequality at the heart of polarised food systems
In most countries, land inequality is growing. Worse, new measures and analysis published by the International Land Coalition show that land inequality is significantly higher than previously reported.
LAND-at-scale Knowledge Management Launch
Knowledge management and learning is at the heart of the LAND-at-scale program. For this reason, RVO is excited to announce a partnership with LANDac and the International Land Coalition for the implementation of an integrated knowledge management component as part of the program.
Job Opportunity: Project Manager Knowledge Management of the LAND-at-scale Programme at LANDac
Pathways to improving and scaling Land Tenure Registration (LTR) approaches in Burundi
This scoping study on ways to improve tenure security in Burundi is commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). RVO is responsible for the implementation of the LAND-at-scale program, which is a program launched by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to contribute to improved land governance around the world.
RVO and FAO Round Table on Land Consolidation in the Arab World: Experiences from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia
What are the state-of-the-art and new approaches to land consolidation as part of integrated rural development strategies in North Africa and Near East? That was the main question around which several experts from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Turkey joined the FAO/ RVO roundtable discussion on land consolidation during the Second Arab Land Conference last February; a session which 110 participants attended – both in person and online.
LAND-at-scale Tender Announcement: Mali
Land Formalization in Colombia: introducing the LAND-at-scale project
LAND-at-scale has started to work in Colombia on land formalization through a Fit for purpose approach in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. The project is based on previous work by Kadaster International, who piloted the Fit for Purpose methodology successfully in Colombia.