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Displaying 461 - 470 of 740Namibia donates land at Walvis Bay port to Botswana
This was revealed by president Hage Geingob on Friday while delivering his speech at the inaugural session of the Botswana-Namibia bi-national commission in Gaborone, Botswana.
Geingob said Namibia continues to make good progress in cross-border trade.
He added that the donation was not only a gesture of goodwill, but also meant to facilitate the import and export of goods and services.
South Africa: Mining firm must account for the dam burst disaster resulting in loss of lives and destruction
The mining executives responsible for the Jagersfontein mine dam wall burst, which has claimed lives and caused major destruction to the community, must be held accountable for the loss of lives, homes and people livelihoods, Amnesty International South Africa said today.
According to reports three people were killed and more than 40 people injured when the banks of the mining dam burst in the Free State town on Sunday.
Human pressures strain Lake Tanganyika’s biodiversity and water quality
BUJUMBURA — The squeal of passing bikes fills the air in the center of a newly created wetland on the outskirts of Burundi’s main city and largest urban settlement on Lake Tanganyika, the resources of which the country shares with Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia.
A step away from this landscape of houses submerged by the lake, and with palm trees shooting high into the sky, a boy stands on a perch with a fishing rod. Despite the scorching sun overhead, he slowly fills a plastic bucket with small fish.
Peatlands in Congo Basin opened for oil exploration
Job vacancy: Support efforts to integrate land tenure into the implementation of LDN and land restoration initiatives
Construcción de carreteras en países amazónicos podría deforestar millones de hectáreas
In Peru, a corrupt land-titling scheme sees forests sold off as farms
"Is the state waiting for us to be killed?": death threats to defenders of Kichwa community Santa Rosillo de Yanayacu
"Is the state waiting for us to be killed?": death threats to defenders of Kichwa community Santa Rosillo de Yanayacu
The native Kichwa community santa Rosillo de Yanayacu, located in the Bajo Huallaga area( Huimbayoc district, San Martín region) has been threatened by groups of illegal loggers, who deforest the community's forest sowing threats and violence. For years, the community has been denouncing these permanent violations of its territory and against the lives of defenders. "Is the state waiting for us to be killed?!
Nuevo impulso a la titulación de tierras
Por Pedro Castillo Castañeda, Responsable del Programa de acceso a recursos naturales del Cepes.
El 16 de noviembre se dieron a conocer los cinco lineamientos de la Segunda Reforma Agraria (SRA), con el objetivo de incrementar de manera sostenible los ingresos y calidad de vida de los productores de la agricultura familiar, cooperativa, comunera y empresarial (D.S N° 022-2021-Midagri). Estos buscan promover acciones articuladas de distintos niveles de gobierno, con enfoque territorial y multisectorial, en el marco de la Política General del Gobierno 2021-2026.