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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 281 - 285 of 2116

Advising smallholder families


Beratung kleinbäuerlicher Familien


In der Zielregion gibt es eine extreme Grundbesitzkonzentration. Die in der Verfassung verankerte Agrarreform wird nur unzureichend umgesetzt. Ziel des Projektes ist der Zugang zu Landbesitz für landlose Familien, um gesicherte Produktionsmöglichkeiten zu schaffen und das ökonomische Überleben zu sichern. Die begleiteten Gruppen erhalten Rechtsberatung und Unterstützung bei Advocacy-Aktivitäten sowie bei agrarökologischen Praktiken. Zielgruppe sind kleinbäuerliche Familien aus den ländlichen Gebieten.

Protection against evictions and strengthening the political participation of marginalized population groups i


Schutz vor Vertreibungen und Stärkung der politischen Teilhabe marginalisierter Bevölkerungsgruppen in verschiedenen Städten Brasiliens


In Brasilien herrschen strukturelle Wohnraumdefiizite. Zugunsten privater Eigentumsinteressen werden einkommensarme Familien aus ihren Wohnorten unfreiwillig umgesiedelt bzw vertrieben. Ziel des Projektes ist es, vulnerablen Bevölkerungsgruppen in 10 ausgewählten Städten Schutz vor Zwangsräumungen zu gewährleisten. Insbesondere schwarze Frauen mit niedrigem Einkommen erhalten systematischen Zugang zu einschlägigen Informationen, Datensätze über Bodenkonflikte werden systematisch erfasst und konkrete Strategien zum Schutz vor Zwangsräumungen werden erarbeitet.

Strengthening Afro-Colombian communities in a river basin in Colombia


Stärkung von afrokolumbianischen Gemeinderäten durch integrale Wiedergutmachung im Einzugsgebiet eines Flusses in Kolumbien


Die Projektregion ist durch anhaltende gewaltvolle Konflikte geprägt. Dadurch sind die Rechte der Zielgruppen beschränkt. Teilweise bedeutet dies auch, dass sie ihre Territorien verlassen müssen. Das Projekt möchte daher einen Betrag dazu leisten, dass die Gemeinschaften im Projektgebiet in ihren Territorien verbleiben ihre Rechte, insbesondere Landrechte, ausüben können und respektiert werden. Dazu werden Trainings angeboten und Lobbyveranstaltungen durchgeführt.

Assessed Contributions to UN Agencies


Assessed contributions are made to a number of UN agencies arising from Ireland’s membership of organisations such as the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Office for Migration (IOM), the UN Convention on Biodiversity (UNCBD), the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).


UNIDO serves as a forum and broker for knowledge transfer on industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalisation and environmental sustainability. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration and to promote international cooperation on migration issues. UNCCD works to improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation and promote sustainable land management.

Bottom-Up Accountability Initiatives and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa


The objective of this project is to test whether the Food and Agriculture Organization's Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security can help increase accountability for large-scale land acquisitions in Mali, Nigeria, Uganda, and South Africa. It will provide insight into the conditions under which international land governance instruments can be used to hold public authorities more accountable. This, in turn, may help locals secure the right to food in sub-Saharan Africa. From rural to urban In 2007, the absolute number of people living in urban centres worldwide overtook the number of people living in rural areas for the first time ever. As a result, the international development community's attention is increasingly turning urban. Yet data from the United Nations indicates that three-quarters of sub-Saharan Africa's poor still live and work in the countryside. Effective access to, and ownership over, land and natural resources remains critically important for the rural poor in Africa to be able to build decent economic livelihoods and participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their lives. Movement to acquire land on a large scale Against this backdrop, food, fuel/energy, climate, and financial crises have converged. One of the most immediate and important implications is the revaluation of land as a scare resource. This reality has driven industries, governments, communities, and individuals to acquire land at a scale never witnessed before. Africa has played centre stage to this wave of large-scale land acquisitions. Since 2006, international and domestic investors have acquired an estimated 50-80 million hectares of land in low- and middle-income countries. Research to investigate land acquisitions FIAN, the Foodfirst Information and Action Network, will implement the project. National citizen-based groups, regional and international civil society organizations, researchers, and policymakers interested in land issues will participate in the project. The research team will apply a case study and participatory action-research approach. The project is expected to generate evidence about how local residents can enhance their ability to promote more equitable, transparent, and accountable land acquisition mechanisms. Evidence for improved monitoring Project results will contribute to the UN Committee on World Food Security's monitoring mechanism. The evidence will also be shared with other relevant monitoring bodies at the national (parliamentary commissions, national human rights organizations), regional, and international levels (African and UN human rights systems).