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Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 236 - 240 of 2116

FAIR4ALL Agric Value Chains India


The Power of Voices Partnership (PvP) is an influencing programme with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme FAIR for ALL led by Oxfam Novib is five year long initiative implemented jointly with consortium members Huairou Commission, SOMO and Third World Network-Africa (TWN-Africa) aimed at supporting and collaborating with people’s rightful demands towards companies, governments and multilateral organizations for economic, social and environmental justice, promoting global trade and value-chains that are fair for all. The main focus of the FAIR for ALL programme proposal is to support and strengthen CSOs to play their diverse roles; as educators, mobilizers, creators and watchdogs to make trade and value chains FAIR for ALL. In India, FAIR for ALL programmewill be working with women, girls and young people in marginalized communities, that are working in six major value chains (sugar, vegetables, food grains, poultry, diary and fishing), to have voice, agency, knowledge and thesupport they need to improve their livelihoods and working conditions, including through holding the government and private sector to account, in particular with regard to protection of worker and farmers rights and provision of social protection mechanisms for all. The India FAIR for ALL programme will be implemented by Oxfam in India, Huairou Commission and SOMO, aiming to: 1)Strengthen civil society and workers’ collectives toaddress abuses of informal workers’ rights in sugar cane supply chains; 2)Support grassroots women to organize themselves into producer groups so they can increase the value and quality of their crops, access markets, enhance their bargaining power and increase their earnings; 3) Strengthen grassroots organizations and local civil society to advocate for women’s land rights and support for women small-scale farmers; and 4) To challenge trade, tax and investment regimes which are in favour of FDI and large companies and which cause rising inequality and social and environmental challenges. These objectives will be achieved by building the awareness oflocal civil society and activists about issues of responsible business conduct and inequality-reducing fiscal policies; strengthening worker’s collectives to demand living wagesand decent working conditions, linking them with state and national networks; supporting cooperatives and producer organizations, increasing their bargaining power and access to markets and finance; and by increasing the understanding of local civil society on how investment, tax and trade regimes impact marginalized groups and how improved regimescan pay for inequality-reducing measures such as investment in small-scale agriculture and affordable public health and education systems.

Indonesia Inequality Knowledge Hub


Objective: Oxfam in Indonesia strives to become an Influencing Hub at the front row of national, regional, and international fora, research and advocacy work originating from the South. This Influencing Hub works to defeat Inequality, particularly addressing a) inequality of access with focus on social policy and social protection, b) Inequality in Wealth, considering resource distribution, taxes, land rights, sustainable finance, inclusive economy and value chains, and c) Inequality through climatic shocks/emergencies, looking at resilience building, climate crisis actions, climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction and preparedness, influencing humanitarian policy and enabling local humanitarian leadership. The Oxfam Indonesia influencing hub shall promote cross-border regionaland global collaboration, while being strongly connected with the context, stakeholders, networks and platforms in Asia and across the Globe on issues around inequality. Outputs: 1. Advocacy materials on inequality, such as policy briefs, policy studies, analysis and recommendations in the areas of social protection focusing on unpaid care work and tax justice, sustainable finance focusing on investments to address climate change and financing renewable energy, and inclusive business focusing on enabling environments forSMEs in agritulture. Further a study on local humanitarian leadership will be realised and advocacy at national and regional level will be done. 2. Consolidated portal on inequality for knowledge management, sharing and coordination across non-state actors will be developed. The Regional Platform and Oxfam in Indonesia will collaborate to develop, make use and promote the portal for internal and external use. 3. Strategy development for the Influencing hub (funding and business development model; operationalization of Partners based approach) 4. Staff capacity is developed in areas of (i) research; (ii) knowledge management, (iii) evidence-based advocacy and (iv) partnership. 5. Engagement with ASEAN where the Region and the country program collaborate to coordinate with other country programs and fellow CSOs to lobby the government particularly on fiscal justice and energy.

Land Rights Now for Indigenous Youth


Full Project Title: Passing the torch: Land Rights Now for Indigenous Youth Implementer: Indigenous People’s Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), as Host, and Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN) Indigenous peoples for the longest time have experienced oppression as development in the guise of extractive industries has destroyed our ancestral territories. Across Asia, indigenous youth face challenges from discrimination and lack of culturally appropriate education in our own languages to environmental pollution and land grabbing of our territories in the name of development. Indigenous youth are called on to defend their rights as youth - by making their issues known to those in leadership roles - and as indigenous peoples, calling attention to self-governance, the importance of our values and traditions in the modern world, socioeconomic development and the protection and defenseof ancestral land. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected indigenous peoples as clinics and hospitals are inaccessible. In education, as online learning is introduced, it has become difficult for families to afford gadgets and internet to provide to their children. Difficulty for strong signal is also lacking thus indigenous youth are not experiencing quality education. Transportation is limited and indigenous communities are located in remote areas. Yet the pandemic has also made many realize the importance of protecting nature which has been a part of indigenous culture. With this in mind,we, indigenous youth with our partners, are committed to the continuous protection,development and the defense of our land and rights for sustainable development - and our future. We are ready to take the torch of the Land Rights Now campaign. The main objective of “Passing the torch: Land Rights Now for Indigenous Youth” is to strengthen and shape the Land Rights Now campaign with more significant involvement of indigenous youth. Specific objectives and activities we will carry out to achieve them are: 1) to amplify the voice of indigenous youth for their campaigns and advocacy: Capacity Building and Empowerment of Indigenous Youth: - Formal and informal education/training and exchanges to build leadershipand organizational management skills to strengthen local organisations - A focus on young women to be leaders and transforming indigenous communities to decolonise and end patriarchy -Nonviolent Direct Action training so indigenous youth are equipped to mobilise communities Advocacy Campaigns: - Support and carry out national advocacy campaigns led by indigenous youth -Document, and revitalize traditional food systems and stewardshiprole of indigenous peoples as a means to reclaim health, culture and languages 2) to builda movement of indigenousyouth across Asia and the globe to participate in and coordinate the Land Rights Now Campaign: Network Building - Build the power of indigenous youth by strengthening our network across Asia and deepen connections to other regions (linkingto indigenous youth organisations signed up to the Land Rights Now campaign andothers, encouraging them to join) 3) to build the capacity of indigenous youth to carry on and take over coordination of the Land Rights Now Campaign: - Join the coordination of the LandRightsNow campaign and shape public campaign actions at regional and global for the duration of the project and beyond.

IPD-K#Mwanati Asilia


The indigenous people of the Coast of Kenya i.e Mijikenda, Wagunya, Pokomo, Boni, Wardei and Watta have lived as squatters on theirrightful land according to the report of the “Truth, justice and reconciliation commission”, as a result of the illegal acquisition of large tracts of land from indigenous communities during the colonial period. This project aims to collaborate with relevant National and County Government land duty bearers to promote legal land ownership and utilization in the community in accordance with land policy and written law by September 2021. IPD-K will raise awareness in Malindi and Magarini sub counties on the right to own andutilize land at the ward and sub county levels by June 2022 and support willing indigenous individuals and communities to access land offices to initiate the acquisition of land legal documents by December 2022.

Boititap Korenyo: The Wealth of Our Land


This collaboration enables the Ogiek people in Kenya's Mount Elgon to combine their immense knowledge and skills in managing their customary land with new community-based Geographic Information Science (GIS) technologies. The project employs a revolutionary tech-based solution called MAPEO, which enables them to collect and leverage data describing land and resource use in order to defend andadvance their land rights. The project aims to: # Build the Ogiek#s capacity to map and monitor their ancestral lands. # Reduce the Ogiek#s marginalisation through increasing their ability to advocate for themselves in local and national platforms with government and other officials. # Secure greater land tenure for the Ogiek through the existing legal mechanisms in Kenya, reduce territorialconflict with neighbouring communities, and increase internal fluency on territory issues for indigenous people. The project is implemented by a consortium lead by the Chepkitale Indigenous Peoples Development Project (CIPDP), as a representative organisation of the Ogiek people of Mount Elgon. CIPDP has been working on land rights issues for a number of years, and since 2010 with Forest Peoples Programme on issues including capacity development for policy influencing and strategic institutional support; GIS training; responsible finance; and networking with neighbouring communities. Digital Democracy is a long term partner of FPP, having collaborated with them in Latin America providing technical support and local partner training in mapping and land defense technologies in theAmazon.