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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1766 - 1770 of 2116

Strengthening the indigenous organizations for the protection and environmental managament of indigenous lands


Strengthening of the actions, articulations and political incidence of indigenous organisations/peoples in the protection and environmental managament of indigenous lands and the defense of indigenous rights. Direct beneficiaries include CGY, Warã, Wyty Cate, UNIVAJA, theTerena Council and APOINME. Advocacy and communication carried out by CTI are also deliverables of the project.

LDN Target-Setting and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Western Andes and Coastal areas


Prevent, reduce and reverse land degradation processes (SDG 2, 13, 15) to promote the sustainable development of rural communities, ensuring the provision of key ecosystem services and food sovereignty, within the framework of national efforts to achieve the LDN in Ecuador (2.4.1; 13.2.1; 15.3.1).


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

359. The direct beneficiaries of the Project are 5,450 people, of whom 2,338 are women and 3,112 are men, who live in the intervention sites and who will benefit from all the actions of the project (on-farm activities, value chain and capacity strengthening).360. The core benefit of the project will be the enhancement of local actors’ capacities in the project intervention areas, in the intervention landscapes, in the northern and central highlands and on the Ecuadorian coast, to cope with the pressures and impacts caused by climate change and land degradation. The peasant economies, indigenous peoples and rural communities are highly vulnerable to problems arising from abrupt changes in rainfall patterns, more frequent frosts, sudden changes in temperature and pests and diseases that affect their crops and animals, and who operate in a context of marginalization due to poor market integration and limited access to technology, credit and training.361. In response to this reality, communities themselves have been forced to develop resilient practices or that exist as part of their ancestral knowledge. The project will collect and systematise these practices, which often include the conservation of native agrobiodiversity, crop rotation and diversification, and the application of soil management techniques, while working together with farmers, men and women, indigenous peoples and rural communities in the dissemination of technologies and the exchange of experiences to improve their sustainable land management strategies.362. A greater adaptation capacity will also be possible by working in coordination with local institutions and organizations to strengthen local spaces for discussion and decision making to efficiently manage the resources of a given territory, improve the living conditions of its inhabitants, and implement actions to reduce risks. This benefit implies, therefore, the strengthening of governance mechanisms where multiple actors converge in the implementation of intersectoral policies.363. In this regard, it is expected that 2,250 men and 1,500 women will adopt SLM practices that will help reduce the pressures identified and recover and increase agricultural production and productivity contributing to the betterment of livelihoods.364. Through the project interventions and enhanced capacities of the beneficiaries, local and regional benefits will be seen in terms of improved livelihoods, cultural assertiveness and environmental sustainability and will help support the long-term maintenance of global environmental benefits (described in section 1.a Project Description - 6) Global Environmental Benefits). These benefits will be:• Conservation and maintenance of ecosystem services (e.g., water regulation).• Maintenance of cultural, aesthetic and spiritual benefits, scenic beauty, preservation of places of cultural significance, territorial identity, and appreciation of natural heritage.• Benefits to the local economy through strengthened value chains and improved access to markets that help create new sources of diversification, income and better livelihoods and social benefits in terms of strengthened partnerships. The skills acquired in the implementation of sustainable value chains and market access will contribute to the improvement of incomes and livelihoods of 500 men and 500 women who take part in fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy products, honey and coffee value chains, who will see their incomes increased by 10% (the income baseline will be measured in year 1).• Social benefits in terms of fostering strategic partnerships and empowering local actors (including women and indigenous peoples).• Improvement of food security and quality of life and well-being of the population through long-term agricultural production sustainability, increased yields and availability of food products for local population.• Furtherance of Decent Rural Employment through project actions embedded in the four pillars of decent employment, namely: Table 10. Project contribution to the Decent Rural Employment pillars Pillar Pillar themes related to the project intervention Project-specific actions Pillar 1 Employment creation and enterprise development · Support to women and men smallholders to access markets and value chains · Employment creation in rural areas, specifically for youth and women · Vocational and educational programmes for rural population technical and entrepreneurial skills. · Capacity development programme (Output 1.2.1). · Incentive mechanisms (Output 3.1.1). · Value chains and market access (Output 3.1.2). Pillar 2 Social protection · Improving working conditions in rural areas, including effective maternity and income protection. · Capacity development (Output 1.2.1). · SLM/SFM practices (Output 2.1.2). · Incentive mechanisms (Output 3.1.1). · Beneficiaries income increase, reducing the income gap between men and women (Output 3.1.2). Pillar 3 Standards and right to work · Socially responsible production, specifically to reduce gender and age discrimination · SLM/SFM practices (Output 2.1.2). · Incentive mechanisms (Output 3.1.1). · Sustainable value chains and market access (Output 3.1.2). Pillar 4 Governance and social dialogue · Participation of the rural poor in decision-making and governance mechanisms. · Rural women and youth empowered to participate in these processes from the beginning. · Sub-national systems to support decision-making (Output 1.2.2). · Integrating the LDN approach (Outputs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2). · Participatory implementation plans (Output 2.1.1). 365. At the national level, this work scheme is a concerted effort between MAAE and MAG which will design and implement a public policy on land degradation neutrality. This working approach facilitates dissemination of local benefits to other geographical areas of the country, improving the conditions for the country to plan and promote changes in the productive sectors, in food security and sovereignty, in its capacity to adapt to climate change and in the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity. [1] According to FAO’s definition Decent rural employment refers to any activity, occupation, work, business or service performed for pay or pro­fit by women and men, adults and youth, in rural areas that: 1) respects the core labour standards as defi­ned in ILO conventions; 2) provides an adequate living income; 3) entails an adequate degree of employment security and stability; 4) adopts sector-speci­fic minimum occupational safety and health measures; 5) avoids excessive working hours and allows sufficient time for rest; 6) promotes access to adapted technical and vocational training.

Improvement of land administration in BIH


The overall development objective of the twinning cooperation has been formulated as follows: Through an efficient land administration contribute to economic and social development, a viable land market, sustainable land use, and the EU accession. The project objective of the project is: A more efficient, secure and reliable land administration system is established.

Interpeace - Peacebuilding through reconciliation and inclusive governance


Interpeace has submitted a concept note to the Embassy of Sweden, that falls under objective three of the current Swedish strategy for cooperation with DRC (2021-2025) concerning Peaceful, inclusive and sustainable societies. It aims for the local, provincial and national authorities in DRC to lead, supervise, and facilitate inclusive peacebuilding processes and promote sustainably. The project will work on the recommendations from the EU-funded study carried out by Interpeace in 2020 in Kasai and Kasai Central to enhance horizontal (between citizens, communities and social groups) and vertical (between the latter and authorities, formal and informal, and at local, provincial and national level), through increased participation, communication, understanding, trust and collaboration. This is only possible if some policies can be improved and don't function as triggers or amplifiers of conflicts. Ongoing analysis will be put in place to reveal discriminatory and non-transparent facts and policies that are dividing factors at the community level and/or between communities and state institutions. To achieve this, Interpeace plans to build on government leadership and ownership to achieve results in a sustainable manner. The larger assumption is that peacebuilding efforts often fail to produce lasting results because they lack the support, involvement and backing of the highest levels of government. This has an impact on the confidence and commitment of stakeholders in peace processes. This means that identifying the reforms and decisions necessary to tackle the drivers of conflict cannot be negotiated. Thus, it is necessary to engage the DRC government in a coherent, constructive and innovative manner in order to contribute to effective governance for peace. Among the concerns that have remained unanswered for a long time are the issue of governance of the security and justice sectors, the securing of land rights by communities, equitable and sustainable access to spaces and natural resources for the promotion of economic development. and social, and the fight against corruption. The project will be implement in 4 provinces, namely Kasaï, Kasaï central, Mai-Ndombe and Kinshasa. It is important to point out that the violent conflict in Kasai and Kasai Central between 2016 and 2018 began with clashes between supporters of a customary chief and the police and then turned into generalized violence between communities, customary chiefs, authorities and law enforcement. The conflict in Yumbi was an intercommunity clash between the Banunu and Batende linked to customary power and land conflicts.


The main goal of this project is to stimulate the will, capacity and relations of authorities at all levels to meet the complex challenges of peace in the provinces of Kasaï, Kasaï Central and Yumbi and even in all the DRC. This will set the preconditions for structural changes that must translate into new attitudes and practices of governance for peace. The project is based on an observation that in the current fragile situation - despite this kind of stability, where the interests of the people and the institutions don't match, it will be difficult to ensure the active participation of state actors to invest in participatory governance which is the main guarantee  for sustainable peace. This project will focus on the Kasai and Yumbi region, in order to reduce violence in the communities to the state actors but also to support peacebuilding efforts relying on a conflict scan before undertaking any specific initiative in the communities. Through this option, research and analysis, combined with capacity building, will create the building blocks to change governance as a channel of peacebuilding in a more structural way. In addition, the present rulers of the DRC are focusing on the next elections in 2023. The opportunity should be offered to mobilize political actors around the culture of peace and to bring together the authorities, communities and civil society to lay the foundations for peaceful elections. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthened inclusive peace governance by state actors and non-state actors in the DRC, particularly in Kasai, Kasai Central, Mai-Ndombe and at the national level. The specific objectives of this intervention are to: Outcome 1: Increased understanding of peace governance by government and non-government actors ;Outcome 2: Increased capacity for peacebuilding governance among government and non-government actors ;Outcome 3: Enhanced inclusive peace governance at the provincial level ;Outcome 4: Improved framework for peace governance at the national level ;