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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1236 - 1240 of 2116

F.a: Strengthening Indian Forest Communities' Struggles for Forest Commons


"The project will continue and build upon the work of All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM) that was supported by Siemenpuu during 2013—2014 (12046AAS + 13038AAS). The struggle for reclaiming and defending forest commons will be supported by center ing on efforts to establish suitable commons governance institutions at the grassroots, and developing suitable political and organizational strategies at state, national and international levels. The main beneficiaries will be forest dwelling communities organized under various Gram Sabhas. The focus areas will be in the states of West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana, where the work will be done in association with AIFFM constituent groups and other local groups.The activities incl ude holding at least three All-India level and five state/sub-national level meetings, formulating political/organizational strategy documents and disseminating them, generating campaign materials, visiting various Gram Sabhas to facilitate the work of the movements, and providing financial support and information/knowledge to local movements.The activities will largely focus on increasing the spread of community institutions with a more articulate political focus on commons at various levels. A strong supp ort group will also be created at pan-Indian level. The project will also further strengthen AIFFM as a network of diverse forest movements.Bajkul Gram Bharati (BGB) was established by youth inpired by Gandhian ideology in 1990. BGB works in West Bengal wi th e.g. rural women, land ownership, forest rights, as well as to defend the traditional village culture. BGB acts as a legal holder and financial coordinator in the project.All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM) is a forum that implements the activit ies in the project. AIFFM is an evolving network, which campaigns particularly for the rights of forest dependent communities at the local level in several states and at the national level. AIFFM is a member of the Global Forest Coalition (supported by Sie menpuu) and is thus well linked with Siemenpuu’s Global Dialogue program."

Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu)


The Tamil Nadu CSO network Joint Action for Sustainable Livelihood (JASuL) has recently developed the farmers centric organization Sustainable Livelihood Farmers Association (SLFA) to create a farmers movement to fight against globalization policies which negatively affect the farming communities in Tamil Nadu. The goal of this JASuL project ?Strengthening SLFA for protecting the livelihood resources and combat the consequences of climate change in Tamil Nadu (phase 2)? is the empowered local communities? c ommand over the local livelihood resources, in terms of protection, promotion and management and also combating global warming and climate change.The project aims to 1) make climate change issues as integral part of farmer?s movements as the livelihood iss ues e.g. by dissemination of climate change study findings and the possible alternatives, 2) strengthen and broaden of farmers movement (SLFA) and continue to empower JASuL members on livelihood and climate change related issues e.g. by developing organic farming technical support team and encouraging farmers to conduct regular meetings at district level, 3) continue to build alliance with other existing farmers movements at State and National Level e.g. by evolving common agenda for joint action, and 4) to pressurize central and state governments to prioritize livelihood issues (esp. restoration of water bodies) and review and reformulate the existing policies in favor of poor and marginalized farmers e.g. by reviewing the ongoing government programme and b ring out mid term correction through peoples participation on farming subsidies, newly enacted land law, water policy, ground water law, agriculture biodiversity and by disseminating JASuL?s work via social media.The project is coordinated by Community Act ion for Development (CAD) working together with JASuL. Direct beneficiaries of the project are the small and marginal dry land farmers ? 300 farming families from 12 dry land district, and 180 NGOs as member of JASuL district committees. Indirect beneficia ries are the 16 existing farmer?s movements, Save the rice campaign, and 3 river network groups linked with JASuL as solidarity support groups. Community Action for Development (CAD) is a registered (in year 1978) and experienced nonprofit organization tha t serves among the small and marginal farmers in Perambalur district in the state of Tamil Nadu. Joint Action for Sustainable Livelihood Network (JASuL) is a loose NGO network evolved after the 20

Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu)


The project consists of campaigning against commercializing and privatizing of nature, as well as supporting more sustainable alternatives born in local communities in seven Latin American countries. The project is implemented by the national Friends of th e Earth groups in Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. Local communities? work on small scale farming, native seeds, community forestry and mangrove forests is supported through training, networking and communication ma terials. Awareness-raising of the wider public and advocacy aimed at political decision-makers is implemented by producing leaflets, radio programmes and analysis. Advocacy work is also related to the drafting and implementation of laws on seeds, harmful i mpacts of agro chemicals and protection of forests and wetlands. REDES is a Uruguayan NGO founded by students and social activists in 1988. It campaigns on social and environmental themes aiming at increasing general public?s awareness and influencing on p olitical decision-making. Together with universities and social movements it does studies, communication work and training on the same themes. In addition, it drafts proposals on alternative public policies and supports local level actors in implementing t hem. Lately REDES has focused on food sovereignty (seeds, land rights, agro chemicals, land grabbing, agribusiness). REDES has 40 members and approximately 900 collaborators. It is Uruguay?s Friends of the Earth.