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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 56 - 60 of 2116

UN Women Uganda 2016-2019 - UN Women Uganda 2016-2019 new strategy


The Government of Uganda has made significant progress in developing legal frameworks, policies and programmes which respect, protect and promote human rights and empowerment of women and girls. Progress, however, often remains at the policy level with implementation on the ground lacking behind due to inadequate capacity or priority in government institutions. As a result, women in Uganda continue to be marginalized and experience discrimination in in all spheres of life. Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) constitutes another major obstacle to gender equality as well as to more overall development goals. Women have poor access to reproductive resources, and especially access to land and land tenure are areas of discrimination. Consequently, women struggle to access financial services including loans due to lack of collateral. Although 76% of Ugandan women are active in the labor market, women tend to concentrate in feminized occupations, clustering in low-value chains, part-time or informal employment. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains another main obstacle to the empowerment of women with the prevalence and social acceptance of VAWG consistently high. In addition, the link between WEE and VAWG is becoming increasingly apparent in Uganda. A great part of the violence reported at household level is economically motivated, with peaks around harvest periods. In response to the above situation analysis, the development intervention will provide core support to UN Women Uganda to implement the first three years (2016-2018) of its Strategic Note 2016-2020 with a total contribution of 66.5 M SEK (22 % of the total 5 year Strategic Note budget, 36% of the budget for the three years covered by the Agreement). In line with UN Women’s Global Strategic Plan, the development intervention targets six programmatic result areas: 1) Women lead and participate in decision making at all levels; 2) Women, especially the poorest and most excluded, are economically empowered and benefit from development, 3) Women and girls live a life free from violence, 4) Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women’s leadership and participation, 5) Governance and national planning fully reflect accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities, and 6) Global normative and policy framework for gender equality and women’s empowerment strengthened and implemented. In addition, the development intervention has a seventh result area on organizational effectiveness and efficiency.


The overall aim of the proposed development intervention is that “Women are empowered to lead, participate in, influence and contribute to national development.”To achieve this aim, the development intervention defines six result areas: 1) Women lead and participate in decision making at all levels. 2) Women, especially the poorest and most excluded, are economically empowered and benefit from development. 3) Women and girls live a life free from violence. 4) Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women leadership and participation. 5) Governance and national planning fully reflect accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities. 6) Normative and policy framework for gender equality and women's empowerment strengthened and implemented.

Diakonia sub-programme within AGIR II - Delegated Partnership - repayment to Netherlands


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 The overarching goal for the AGIR programme is: A Mozambican society where its citizens, particularly the most marginalized groups, fully enjoy their rights to inclusion and equity, to redistribution of wealth created from the country’s patrimony, to accessible and affordable public services of good quality, to basic civil freedoms and to political representation and participation; in a peaceful and ecologically sustainable environment. The sub-programmes have different thematic focus: Diakonia: focuses on the right to free and fair elections and to a multi-party democracy, on marginalized and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, children & persons living with disabilities), on access to justice, on sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as on gender based violence. Oxfam Ibis: focuses on the right to information generally, but also specifically in relation to the extractive industries, on free media (including investigative journalism), on strengthening of parliaments at all levels, as well as on actors of change whose goal is improved access to and quality of fundamental services (particularly health and education). Oxfam Novib: focuses on oversight of public budgets and expenditures, on public resources allocation and social audits, on fair tax collection, as well as on marginalised and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, LGBT, de elderly and people living with HIV/AIDS), as well as on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and on gender based violence. We Effect: focuses on land rights, on the effects of the extraction of natural resources, on rural development, food security, climate change and environment.Diakonia’s Subprogramme will help to achieve the AGIR II results, change the prevailing situation in the country, by supporting national and local CSOs so they can work towards a more democratic society where a just peace prevails, the government is accountable, and citizens, government and the private sector respect human and socio-economic rights, in particular those of women, youth and people unable to resolve their current vulnerability. Diakonia’s role is to help CSOs to become more legitimate, pro-active and competent agencies as citizens’ voices and organizers that in key debates and decision-making processes that affect Mozambique’s development. Diakonia will work with two levels of target groups:(i) Primary target groups: CSOs, networks and forums, that receive resources and capacity from the Subprogramme aiming at changing behaviour at the level of the right holders and at change attitudes when serving, at the level of the duty bearers according to the ToC.;(ii) Secondary target groups: government institutions, the elected, public servants, political parties, the private sector, communities, families and citizens that are targeted by partners’ interventions. Representing, mainly the duty bearers, a target of the primary group together working the right holders, to change policy practices and policies, are aiming at a new normative setting in society and State affairs, according to the ToC.Diakonia focus on organisations at the national level and in two provinces: Zambézia and Niassa. Also focus on strengthening existing formal and informal networks. As already stated, the selection of local partners reflects the strategic objectives of Diakonia’s AGIR Subprogramme. Decentralised support is a new Diakonia strategy for AGIR II, in an effort to encourage networks to work more with their members, (not just focusing on planning specific activities connected to commemorative dates and events such as women’s month, the child’s fortnight, HIV/AIDs day, human rights day) and to be more strategic and plan for changes at different levels of governance (central, provincial and local).


The overall objective of the AGIR-programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável), was to strengthen the capacity of civil society to demand accountability for political and economic decisions and to promote the respect for human rights, as well as by ensuring women and men have access to information about such decisions, and contribute to improved governance and to a democratic pluralism in Mozambique. The Swedish support recognised civil society as an independent actor in its own right, core support funding, harmonization, civil society ownership, alignment to key partner organisations's existing systems and mutual accountability for results are fundamental aspects of the programme. Diakonia was one of four International Partner Organisation's (IPO's) receiving funds to implement the AGIR programme, with the objective and thematic focus to ensure women and men (of all ages with no discrimination) have improved access to quality public services (education, health care, water, justice) and fully realise their potential and human rights resulting from increased transparency and accountability of the duty bearers". Diakonia worked with 19 local organisations to ensure achievement of results. The AGIR-II programme came to an end in December 2020. Diakonia and the Embassy (EoS) agreed to a no-cost extension (NCE) period meant for the preparation, submission and approval of final reports. During this NCE period, Diakonia and EoS also agreed to a cost-extension period (July 2021 to June 2022) which was to provide support to five strategic partners. The project was subdivided into three thematic focus imported from the AGIR II programme: (i) Right to Inclusion and Equality. (ii) Right to political Representation and Participation and (iii) Right to accessible, affordable public services of good quality.

WeEffect sub-programme within AGIR II - Moz2022-2026 Cost extension to We Effect programme


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 This complementary decision on contribution concerns the We Effect subprogram within AGIR II-NACE. The decision on contribution was taken at the end of 2014 (82/14). As previously mentioned, the contribution was prepared for a period of six years, which reflected the time frame in the applications. Long-term support to local partners was considered compatible with the aid and development agenda, as well as reflecting the total period for (the then coming) strategy period for Mozambique (2015-2020). Since the new result strategy for Mozambique had not yet been determined when the decision on contribution was being decided upon at the end of 2014, previous rules about future commitments on the frame for authorizations (bemyndiganderamen) hindered Sida/AFRICA from being able to make a decision for all six years. Because of this, a decision on contribution was made for only three of the six years that the appraisal dealt with. However, the Embassy of Sweden in Maputo (EoS) intended to extend the contract with additional funds for the three remaining years (2018-2020) once a result strategy for Mozambique had been decided upon. We Effect submitted an updated application of NACE for the activity period 2018-2020. The extension is based upon the initial application for We Effect’s six year subprogram NACE and has been updated based on the results achieved during the three years that the program has been running so far. In the updated appraisal, focus is concentrated on the EoS’s experiences of cooperation with the development partner for the contract period 2015-2017, with a particular focus on achieved results and updating the results framework. As a result of this, there are updates on the budget, relaying of funds, number of cooperation partners, and external and internal risks. However, the EoS has, in addition to this, updated certain information in most sections regarding important changes, development, and progress in the contribution. There is also a particular focus on the integration of three new organizations from Niassa in NACE. Some new relevance analysis has been made as well in relation to Mozambique’s result strategy (only baseline figures and a suggestion for the result strategy was available when the initial decision on contribution was made) and in relation to the new Policy Framework for Swedish development cooperation. NACE focuses on three prioritized thematic areas: 1) land rights and natural resources; 2) agriculture and the right to food, and a safe, healthy environment in ecological balance; 3) climate change, adjustment and resilience. We Effect’s theory of change summarizes the three development problems above as “unfair division of wealth from natural resources and negative effect from an unhealthy environment and climate change.” We Effect intends to contribute to solving this development problem by, among other things, identifying actors of change (right holders, duty bearers, and civil society organisations) and to give support to partner organizations so that they can push for change in an effective manner. We Effect intends to use strategies that promote a favorable environment and reduces the impacts of climate change. The update of the previous appraisal was done simultaneously for all four subprograms in each respective contribution (51140067; 51140085; 51140086; & 51140087). However, this was not done for the overarching AGIR II program, which is not affected by the above mentioned organizational changes or the need for additional funds. The complementary decision on contribution is for an additional contribution of SEK 95 800 000 to We Effect in Mozambique to implement the NACE subprogram within AGIR II. The EoS is the sole financer for the second phase of NACE.


The We Effect NACE subprogram follows the AGIR II programme mission which is To contribute to the emergence of an active, strong and vibrant civil society in Mozambique, who legitimately raise and channel the voice of the female and male right holders who are at present being politically, socially and economically marginalized, secure their access to all information they need to exercise their civil rights, and effectively participating in and influencing the course of policy decision-making process and accountability of the duty bearers for a transparent, democratic, inclusive, gender just and human rights sensitive governance.; and AGIR vision of To contribute to a Mozambican society where its citizens, particularly also presently marginalized groups, fully enjoy their rights to inclusion and equity, to retribution of wealth created from the countrys patrimony, to accessible and affordable public services of good quality, to basic civil freedoms and to political representation and participation, in a peaceful and ecologically sustainable environment. In this regard, We Effect aims as ultimate impact that rights-holders living in the rural and urban areas have secured benefits from use of land and natural resources, enjoy safe and healthy environment and reduced negative climate change impact. The AGIR II NACE impact objective is "Secured benefits for rights-holders from use of land and natural resources, enjoy safe and healthy environment and reduced negative climate change impact". That will be reached through: 1 Empowered partner organisations that support the rights of people in poverty to land, secure land tenure, and sustainable management of natural Resources; 2. Empowered farmer organisations defending the right of everyone to safe and nourishing food in accordance with the right to a balanced diet and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger; 3. Empowered partner organisations defending the right of people to a safe and healthy environment in ecological balance, today and for future generations; and 4. Empowered partner organisations using study circles as a method to achieve thematic results. All above in correspondence with the Theory of Change that aims to empower local communities to be able make actions towards the reduction of poverty and the development of a just society. We Effect - AGIR NACE Cost Extension objectives (2021-2022) The cost extension will allow We Effect and selected partner organisations to strengthen and consolidate the results and achievement made during AGIR I and II.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some activities could not be concluded, including the consolidation of results and finalising the collection of lessons learned and success stories from the six year programme. The pandemic and the resulting Government social restrictions meant that We Effect could not ensure a sustainable phase out of the AGIR II programme, the largest ever civil society programme in the country. The cost extension will allow We Effect and five seleted partner organisations to conclude pending activities and consolidate the results achieved. The cost extension will be focused on two main areas: (i) the right to land and (ii) the right to food. The two thematic areas are two main priority areas in the "Vi Agroforestry & We Effect Interim Strategy 2020-2022" (, as is climate resilience with gender equality which also relevant to the national priorities. Both thematic areas were part of the natural resources subprogram of the AGIR-NACE and where there has been considerable progress, both in capacity building and results.  Geographically, AGIR-NACE cost extension will be implemented in four provinces: Niassa, Cabo Delgado, Tete and Maputo. Niassa and Tete provinces were selected to support local partners to empower local rights holders whose rights to land and food are essential for their survival. Cabo Delgado Province was selected to support the local partner who is assisting communities whose rights to life, shelter, food, and land are threatened by the ongoing conflict. It was also selected to contribute to peace building support to the affected population. Maputo, the Capital, is the decision-making centre. Partners based in Maputo will continue to undertake advocacy for improving policies on behalf and together with the rights holders. In the beginning of 2020, the Government of Mozambique - GoM, has launched the consultation process to revise the land policy. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the consultations were not  carried out as planned, limited transparency and participatory approaches were used by the GoM to conduct the consultations.  The cost extension will support  partners organizations to actively participate in the land policy revision process, towards ensuring the protection of small farmers,  especially the womens rights to land in Mozambique by improving a process that protects womens right to land and reduces land conflicts. For this cost extension, the IPOs have agreed on six specific criterias that guide the selection of partners. The criteria are partners that: i) have been a core or project partner in the AGIR programme between 2015-2020; ii) work in thematic area/s relevant to AGIR and the current national context; iii)have received an unqualified audit opinion in the 2020 audit report; iv)have no corruption incident reported during the implementation of the AGIR programme; v) have good programme management capacity and sound internal control systems; and vi) have the potential to deliver on the peace building and nexus, where possible. Expected result's (from annex 1 Results Framework, July 2021 June 2022 ) With this cost extension period it is expected a proper consolidation of  NACE results (on right to land and ritgh to food areas), collection of lessons learned and success stories from the six year programme as well as a closure of the prgramme on a responsible way.  On Right to Land: (Empowered the partner organisations that support the rights of people in poverty to land, secure land tenure, and sustainable management of natural resources) the activities will focus on: - Improved policies on land and natural resources - Increased community awareness of their right to land and natural resources On right to food: (Empowered the farmer organisations defending the right of everyone to safe and nourishing food in accordance with the right to a balanced diet and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger) the activities focus on:  - Improved policies for small scale farmers and their right to food - Increased community knowledge on better nutrition, agricultural production and right to food The Embassy assess that by focusing on two specific areas and selected POs,  it will allow better and rational application of Sida funds to be allocated to the 5 POs as well as assure responsible closing of the programme.  

Diakonia sub-programme within AGIR II - Diakonia subprogram AGIR II: Strategy 2022-2026


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 The overarching goal for the AGIR programme is: A Mozambican society where its citizens, particularly the most marginalized groups, fully enjoy their rights to inclusion and equity, to redistribution of wealth created from the country’s patrimony, to accessible and affordable public services of good quality, to basic civil freedoms and to political representation and participation; in a peaceful and ecologically sustainable environment. The sub-programmes have different thematic focus: Diakonia: focuses on the right to free and fair elections and to a multi-party democracy, on marginalized and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, children & persons living with disabilities), on access to justice, on sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as on gender based violence. Oxfam Ibis: focuses on the right to information generally, but also specifically in relation to the extractive industries, on free media (including investigative journalism), on strengthening of parliaments at all levels, as well as on actors of change whose goal is improved access to and quality of fundamental services (particularly health and education). Oxfam Novib: focuses on oversight of public budgets and expenditures, on public resources allocation and social audits, on fair tax collection, as well as on marginalised and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, LGBT, de elderly and people living with HIV/AIDS), as well as on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and on gender based violence. We Effect: focuses on land rights, on the effects of the extraction of natural resources, on rural development, food security, climate change and environment.Diakonia’s Subprogramme will help to achieve the AGIR II results, change the prevailing situation in the country, by supporting national and local CSOs so they can work towards a more democratic society where a just peace prevails, the government is accountable, and citizens, government and the private sector respect human and socio-economic rights, in particular those of women, youth and people unable to resolve their current vulnerability. Diakonia’s role is to help CSOs to become more legitimate, pro-active and competent agencies as citizens’ voices and organizers that in key debates and decision-making processes that affect Mozambique’s development. Diakonia will work with two levels of target groups:(i) Primary target groups: CSOs, networks and forums, that receive resources and capacity from the Subprogramme aiming at changing behaviour at the level of the right holders and at change attitudes when serving, at the level of the duty bearers according to the ToC.;(ii) Secondary target groups: government institutions, the elected, public servants, political parties, the private sector, communities, families and citizens that are targeted by partners’ interventions. Representing, mainly the duty bearers, a target of the primary group together working the right holders, to change policy practices and policies, are aiming at a new normative setting in society and State affairs, according to the ToC.Diakonia focus on organisations at the national level and in two provinces: Zambézia and Niassa. Also focus on strengthening existing formal and informal networks. As already stated, the selection of local partners reflects the strategic objectives of Diakonia’s AGIR Subprogramme. Decentralised support is a new Diakonia strategy for AGIR II, in an effort to encourage networks to work more with their members, (not just focusing on planning specific activities connected to commemorative dates and events such as women’s month, the child’s fortnight, HIV/AIDs day, human rights day) and to be more strategic and plan for changes at different levels of governance (central, provincial and local).


The overall objective of the AGIR-programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável), was to strengthen the capacity of civil society to demand accountability for political and economic decisions and to promote the respect for human rights, as well as by ensuring women and men have access to information about such decisions, and contribute to improved governance and to a democratic pluralism in Mozambique. The Swedish support recognised civil society as an independent actor in its own right, core support funding, harmonization, civil society ownership, alignment to key partner organisations's existing systems and mutual accountability for results are fundamental aspects of the programme. Diakonia was one of four International Partner Organisation's (IPO's) receiving funds to implement the AGIR programme, with the objective and thematic focus to ensure women and men (of all ages with no discrimination) have improved access to quality public services (education, health care, water, justice) and fully realise their potential and human rights resulting from increased transparency and accountability of the duty bearers". Diakonia worked with 19 local organisations to ensure achievement of results. The AGIR-II programme came to an end in December 2020. Diakonia and the Embassy (EoS) agreed to a no-cost extension (NCE) period meant for the preparation, submission and approval of final reports. During this NCE period, Diakonia and EoS also agreed to a cost-extension period (July 2021 to June 2022) which was to provide support to five strategic partners. The project was subdivided into three thematic focus imported from the AGIR II programme: (i) Right to Inclusion and Equality. (ii) Right to political Representation and Participation and (iii) Right to accessible, affordable public services of good quality.

Alliance for Enviromental and territorial rights of indigenous people in Bolivia - Enviromental and territoria


The work will consist of establishing spaces for formal and permanent dialogue between authorities and civil society. The effort is expected to achieve respect, protection and a fulfillment of the right to a healthy and sustainable environment that enables a transition from the prevailing extractivist development model to sustainable development. To achieve this, a colaboration consisting of two civil society organizations in human rights, land rights and the environment (Fundación Tierra, grant partner and CEJIS as subgrantee) has elaborated a proposal with a amounth of 9,600 000 MSEK for a period of two years, that supports environmental rights and land rights, trough information, dissemination and the promotion of government participation in open debate forums on environmental rights and land rights for greater transparency and political commitment. The project aims to contribute, from an inter-institutional space, to environmental sustainability by promoting environmental rights through the strengthening of civil society and the practice of public policies within the framework of the international commitments assumed by the Bolivian State, in the perspective of overcoming the model of development in the extractive sectors of agriculture, energy, mining and hydrocarbons. General objetive: To Contribute to sustainability of indigenous territories by promoting the environmental and territorial rights of indigenous organizations within the framework of the international commitments assumed by the Bolivian State, in the perspective of overcoming extractive the development model. Specific objective 1. Promote the generation of relevant information that makes visible violations of environmental and territorial rights of indigenous peoples, managing the experiences, concepts, approaches, methodologies and work tools of institutions that are part of the alliance. It is focused on generating content and information in a systematic and reliable way of the environmental and territorial situation, which will serve as a basis for construction of agendas in civil society and indigenous peoples of lowlands for advocacy at the state level. Specific objective 2. Promote the involvement of relevant civil society actors, especially indigenous organizations and communities, women's groups and environmental groups, in mobilizing and strengthening their capacities to demand compliance with environmental and territorial rights. Specific objective 3 Strengthen the Consortium institutions through the rescue and systematization of experiences, concepts, theories, approaches, methodologies and work tools on environmental and territorial rights (access to information, participation in decisions and environmental justice)


The proposal aims at a change in political and institutional context for the exercise of environmental rights. The intervention will help to improve the safety of target groups such as trying to exercise their environmental rights. In addition, it will contribute to the resources that in the medium term can be generated from sustainable environmental and land use in general, especially for the benefit of the indigenous peoples affected by pollution. The project will work with civil society actors who are very relevant in it proposed intervention logic through capacity building.