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Community Organizations National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
Data aggregator

Focal point

Chris Baars
Phone number
+31 70 349 44 50


Den Haag
Zuid Holland
Working languages

National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System (NARCIS) is the main Dutch national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. NARCIS aggregates data from around 30 institutional repositories. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector.


NARCIS provides access to scientific information, including (open access) publications from the repositories of all the Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and a number of research institutes, datasets from some data archives as well as descriptions of research projects, researchers and research institutes.


This means that NARCIS cannot be used as an entry point to access complete overviews of publications of researchers (yet). However, there are more institutions that make all their scientific publications accessible via NARCIS. By doing so, it will become possible to create much more complete publication lists of researchers.


In 2004, the development of NARCIS started as a cooperation project of KNAW Research Information, NWO, VSNU and METIS, as part of the development of services within the DARE programme of SURFfoundation. This project resulted in the NARCIS portal, in which the DAREnet service was incorporated in January 2007. NARCIS has been part of DANS since 2011.


DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services - is the Netherlands Institute for permanent access to digital research resources. DANS encourages researchers to make their digital research data and related outputs Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. 



Displaying 431 - 435 of 1863

Workshop "De toekomst van de peel", scenario ontwikkeling en evaluatie huidige strategieën

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

Het landschap wordt beïnvloed door lokale, landelijke, Europese en zelfs mondiale factoren. Die factoren veranderen constant, bijvoorbeeld door een nieuwe regering met een ander beleid (landelijk), een economische crisis (Europees) en door klimaatsverandering (mondiaal). Na een verandering kunnen huidige strategieën onbruikbaar worden bevonden. Voorbeelden zijn de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur (EHS) dat in 2011 voortijdig is stopgezet en het Reconstructieplan de Peel waarvan in 2012 is besloten de uitvoering te stoppen. De toekomst is dus onzeker en valt niet te voorspellen.

Landbouw en recreatie in krimpregio's : knelpunten en kansen

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

In de komende decennia zal de bevolkingsgroei in Nederland geleidelijk tot stilstand komen, waarna waarschijnlijk een daling zal inzetten. De groei verschilt per regio, en als sommige regio's blijven groeien moeten andere noodzakelijkerwijs krimpen. In sommige regio's is de bevolking al aan het dalen, en andere krijgen in de nabije toekomst met krimp te maken. Dit proces zal op regionaal niveau aanzienlijke sociale en economische gevolgen hebben.

CUMULEO v 2.0: Integratie van andere gebruiksfuncties

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

As a result of the large number of license applications regarding the development and operation of offshore wind parks (OWPs) that have been made since 2005 to the competent authority RWS – a department of the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Water works, a need has arisen to have insight in the cumulative (additive) effects of OWPs on the North Sea. The cumulative effects in CUMULEO are determined based on four different themes: - birds, - marine mammals and fish, - benthic fauna and - landscape and perception. For each theme a calculation rule is defines, based on a number of assumptions.

The role of spatial information for planning sustainable cities

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2012

Recently, the world has welcomed its 7 billionth inhabitant. It is expected that we will grow to9 billion persons by 2050. Currently, more than half the world lives in urban areas and urbanisation will continue in the future. Harvard economics professor Glaeser convincingly argues that populations can have magical consequences for business and innovation. At the same time we are aware of the environmental consequences of sprawling suburbs. Thus, sustainability is a core issue for today’s spatial planner.