Focal point
The Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU) Strategic Development Plan 2010-2016, was developed during 2009 and approved by the LLU Senate on June 10, 2009.
In order to perform its functions and implement its goals and objectives, the Latvia University of Agriculture has developed three activity programs:
1. Studies
2. Science
3. Administrative and financial support for studies and research work
The goal of the Latvia University of Agriculture is to provide the possibility to obtain higher academic and higher professional education in agriculture, veterinary medicine, food technology, engineering, forestry science, social science, information technologies and environment management sectors as well as to develop science and to maintain and develop the Latvian intellectual potential and culture.
The objectives of the LLU:
To ensure the study quality corresponding with the standards of a national university what would allow to educate competitive specialists for the Latvian and international labor markets.
To develop the scientific potential to participate in international research, to integrate the academic education and research what would ensure introduction of innovative, knowledge - based technologies into the Latvian national economy, specially, in the Zemgale region.
To ensure sustainable development for the university as a national education, science and culture institution:
to strengthen the legal basis;
to improve the organizational structure in accordance
to the LLU objectives;to develop cooperation with institutions, academic education and science institutions in Latvia and abroad, enterprises and professional organizations and regional institutions of Zemgale;
to manage the LLU material and technical basis effectively.
The LLU mission
To develop the intellectual potential for sustainable future of Latvia and especially rural areas.
The LLU vision
To become a modern, internationally recognized and prestige university, taking part in the common European academic education and science space.
Displaying 21 - 25 of 152Environmental dimensions of rural development in land use planning circumstances in Ukraine
One of the tools for management of balanced development of rural areas is spatial planning – a kind of activity regarding to organization of use and protection of land at the national, regional and local level. The issues of conservation and restoration of natural resources in rural areas are extremely relevant for Ukraine. Main environmental problems in rural areas are: degradation of agricultural land, loss of biodiversity and pollution of land, overground and underground water. In recent years a new environmental problem has emerged − desertification.
Impact of drainage on heavy metal pollution of soils and land usage regulation
Lands of industrial regions are often subjected to long-term contamination with heavy metals such as cadmium, zinc, lead, copper etc. Heavy metals circulate mostly due to water flows, and in the areas with humid (micro) climate, the heavy metal pollution propagates from sources with increased intensity because of acidic environment and soil water logging. We established that natural or artificial drainage effectively increases the washout of heavy metal pollutants due to subsurface and groundwater flows.
[Information support of the cadastral assessment system for the territory of settlements of Ukraine]
The research of information support of the system of cadastral estimation of the territory of settlements of Ukraine is carried out. It is proved that the cadastral valuation should be carried out using generalized characteristics of the cadastral quarters of the settlement. This approach allows not only to reduce the cost of creating a cadastral valuation system, but also differentiates it depending on the functional purpose of the territory.
[On the content of sustainable development strategies for rural councils in the Republic of Belarus (the example of the Krivosel’sky village council of the Vilejka district of the Minsk region)]
In article is considered the existing system of documents of socio-economic planning of administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Belarus. It is expedient to develop a package of documents of a sustainable development of primary administrative and territorial units (village councils) for improvement of this system. Within implementation of the project of the international technical assistance the analysis of potential opportunities of rural territories for sustainable development goals is carried out.
[The use of degraded lands for the development of sustainable land use in the transboundary regions of Latvia and Belarus]
The main idea of the project on the cross-border cooperation of Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus, as well as a unified methodology for its implementation, is based on cooperation between local and regional authorities and the use of innovative technologies: current remote sensing data (space images, aerial photographs and images from unmanned aerial vehicles), land information system, GIS and WEB-technologies.