The Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications (Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas), or simply LA Referencia, is a Latin American network of open access repositories. Through its services, it supports national Open Access strategies in Latin America through a platform with interoperability standards, sharing and giving visibility to the scientific production generated in institutions of higher education and scientific research.
From the national nodes, scientific articles, doctoral and master's theses are integrated, coming from more than a hundred universities and research institutions from the nine countries that now form LA Referencia. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru are active members of the network and Costa Rica was integrated in 2016.
This experience is based on technical and organizational agreements between public science and technology agencies (Ministries and Oncyts ) of the member countries, together with RedCLARA. LA Referencia was born through the Cooperation Agreement, signed in Buenos Aires in 2012, which reflects the political will to offer in open access the scientific production of Latin America as a regional public good with emphasis on the results financed with public funds.
Displaying 531 - 535 of 706El proceso hacia una nueva institucionalidad en la gestión y el derecho al agua para consumo humano en Costa Rica: Análisis de tres experiencias
En julio del 2010, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, declaró el derecho humano al agua potable y el saneamiento, instando a los Estados y a la cooperación internacional a proporcionar los recursos financieros y propiciar la capacidad y transferencia tecnológica para que los países en desarrollo pudiesen acceder a este derecho.
Water management in the municipality of Union de Tvla from a governance approach
Problems related to water resources have been the source of conflicts at different levels and between different actors. Consequently, new political-institutional schemes have been proposed, shifting towards governance, permitting the involvement of new actors in political decision-making processes. This article presents a case study on water management in the municipality of Union de Tvla in western Mexico, using the Analytical Governance Framework, which addresses five elements: problems, actors, nodal points, norms and processes.
Management of urban voids: context, case and propositions.
The purpose of this review article is to discuss a broaden notion of urban void, in the context of urban sprawl and the urgent need for sustainable land management. To draw a picture about the topic of urban voids, this essay has been divided into two sections. The first part presents a number of concepts that justify a global response of reclaiming urban voids. The second section contains a compilation of case studies of urban void management, whose viability has been possible because innovative urban legislation tools.
El acceso al agua y los derechos fundamentales de los pueblos amazónicos de Loreto
El tema elegido como objeto de estudio tiene como motivación el hecho que no existe suficiente investigación, a diferencia de lo que ocurre respecto a las comunidades campesinas y quienes viven en zonas periurbanas, que contenga un enfoque constitucional que analice la problemática del acceso al agua que tienen las comunidades nativas y los colectivos originarios que residen en la selva peruana.
Power, peasant communities and mining industry: community government and access to resources in Michiquillay’s case
This paper analyzes changes in community governance in the contextof negotiations with a mining company. We focus on three issues:the role played by the community government on the regulation ofcommunity resources and territory, the diverse and complex intereststhat emerge in the presence of mining activity; and, the communityas a political institution confronting external pressures over its land.We develop a study case focusing on the negotiation process betweenthe Michiquillay peasant community and Anglo American MiningCompany in Cajamarca, Peru.