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Community Organizations Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation
Governmental institution
University or Research Institution
Phone number


Kaptagat Rd, Loresho Nairobi Loresho
Nairobi Area
Working languages

KALRO is a corporate body created under the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act of 2013 to establish suitable legal and institutional framework for coordination of agricultural research in Kenya with the following goals:

• Promote, streamline, co-ordinate and regulate research in crops, livestock, genetic resources and biotechnology in Kenya.

• Expedite equitable access to research information, resources and technology and promote the application of research findings and technology in the field of agriculture.



Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

KARI-NARL- Kenya Soil Survey NO.R1 1975

Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 1974

The present soil survey is the first in a series of "reconnaissance soil surveys", with a multi-purpose land evaluation. A programme of systematic inventory of the soil and, land resources of the country was initiated by the Kenya Soil Survey in 1972, after strengthening with manpower and funds from the Netherlands Directorate for Development Co-operation through the "Kenya Soil Survey Project", of the then Soil Survey Unit of the National Agricultural Laboratories in Nairobi.