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Community Organizations Government of Ghana
Government of Ghana
Government of Ghana

This includes any and all of Ghana's government entities and organs.



Displaying 21 - 21 of 21

Ghana - Savannah Agriculture Value Chain Development Project (SADEP)


The Savannah Agriculture Value Chain Development Project (SADP) aims to ensure national food and nutrition security, create employment and contribute to industrialization. The project is expected to contribute to the Government’s industrialization agenda, support PFJ and RFJ, skills development and entrepreneurship for women and youth, and build resilient food systems in the savannah areas of northern and middle belts of Ghana. The proposed project will have three components namely (i) Climate-resilient Production Development, (ii) Sustainable Value Chain Development, and (iii) Project Management.


The overall goal of the Project is to ensure national food and nutrition security, create employment and contribute to industrialization. The specific objectives are to increase the climate-resilient production of maize, rice and soybean to support the poultry value chain, generate employment, increase the incomes of farmers and support household nutrition, especially the vulnerable women headed households.

Target Groups

At least 50,000 beneficiaries are expected to participate in the activities of this operation. A key feature of this project is support to “value chain actors” to ensure an integrated production-processing-marketing ecosystem. Target districts were selected for the commercial production of rice, maize and soybean based on the presence of critical mass of commercial farmers with appreciable land size with tenure security, and presence of agriculture mechanization services centre or its equivalent.