Focal point
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. We help developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all. Since our founding in 1945, we have focused special attention on developing rural areas, home to 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people.
Displaying 2546 - 2550 of 5074Assessing and Responding to Land Tenure Issues in Disaster Risk Management
This training manual is for people working in natural disaster risk management and response as well as for people who work in the land tenure sector. In a self-training format this publication aims to provide an overview of the major land tenure issues that may arise following a natural disaster which need to be considered and included in the decision-making processes associated with the whole disaster risk management phases.
Nature & Faune Vol. 25, Issue 2
This issue examines the ¿Economic and social significance of forests for Africa¿s sustainable development¿. It addresses efforts of African nations to sustainably manage their forests. Authors share cases and experiences highlighting attempts made by forest and natural resource managers to develop innovative partnerships with new stakeholders outside the traditional forest sector. The present edition of Nature & Faune points out where to obtain information on the contribution of wildlife to national economies. The regular feature Country Focus shines the spotlight on Lesotho.
Ressources naturelles et environnement lettre d'information
Dans ce numéro, nous examinerons une nouvelle publication intitulée « Paiements pour services environnementaux et sécurité alimentaire ». Ce document a été produit dans le cadre du processus de préparation de la Conférence Rio+20, prévue en 2012. Nous nous projetterons également dans la semaine mondiale de lâ¿¿eau qui se tiendra à Stockholm, Suède, du 21 au 27 Août, au cours de laquelle la FAO participera à un séminaire destiné à anticiper le thème de la journée mondiale de lâ¿¿eau en 2012 â¿¿ Eau et sécurité alimentaire.
Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In this issue, we will be introducing the new Land tenure e-journal, which has just launched its first issue. This e-journal is dedicated to land-related issues, including land tenure. We will also learn about the recently issued report, the State of the World’s plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and we will introduce you to the new web site gearing up for the 2012 event marking the twentieth anniversary of the Earth Summit - FAO@Rio+20.
Inversión, tenencia de la tierra y derecho a la alimentación
La inversión en agricultura es fundamental para el aumento de la productividad en los países de desarrollo y para la creación de beneficios económicos y sociales que contribuyan a la erradicación del hambre. Además, la seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra es crítica para lograr el derecho a la alimentación.