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Community Organizations Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
International or regional financial institution


The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)  pursuseds national interests and project the UK as a force for good in the world. We promote the interests of British citizens, safeguard the UK’s security, defend our values, reduce poverty and tackle global challenges with our international partners.



Displaying 156 - 160 of 228

National Peace, Reconciliation and Mediation Program


Peace, stability and good governance are pre-requisites for sustainable development and social cohesion. However, post-independent Zimbabwe inherited a culture of conflict and violence which to this day affect national peace and stability. Since electoral violence that began in intensity ahead of June 2008 Presidential run-off elections, it has become a trend in Zimbabwe to experience intimidation, coercion, threats, and even deaths caused by political intolerance. The unresolved past conflicts in Zimbabwe such as the civil war or Gukurahundi of 1980s, fast track land reform of 2000 and political and electoral conflict and violence which became more profound in 2008 have continued to haunt the nation resulting in compromised democratic processes. Politicisation of state institutions has made it difficult for one to distinguish between the state and the ruling party in the country. Since 2009, the government, with support from the international community has initiated national healing, peace and reconciliation processes which included the formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU), establishment of the Organ of National Healing and Reconciliation (ONHR) and the subsequent adoption of a new progressive Constitution in 2013. The constitution has an elaborate bill of rights I that provides for the establishment of independent Commissions to support and entrench human rights and democracy in the country. This includes the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) mandated with post-conflict justice, healing and reconciliation in the country. This project is therefore intended to strengthen the role of the church in facilitating an effective national peace and reconciliation process especially before, during and after the 2018 harmonized elections. Project Goal: Zimbabwe society lives in peace, harmony and justice Specific Objectives: 1. A national peace and reconciliation process in line with the country’s legal frameworks and Church’s / citizens’ expectation – a national peace and reconciliation process we want - is carried out 2. Electoral environment is more peaceful and citizens participate freely and independently 3. Church reduces potentials for violent conflict.

Strengthening the economic and social resilience of women and girls in Hurungwe, Rushinga Districts


The project will support women and girls in Hurungwe and Rushinga to adequately cope with environmental and climate change induced shocks (droughts, land degradation etc), promoting food security, increasing their capacity to earn incomes, access to education, access relevant markets and other support institutions to create socio-economic opportunities. The action will also work towards long lasting social behaviour change and transformation of negative gender norms, reducing gender-based violence, and enabling women and girls to thrive economically and socially. The project will seek to address the following: 1, The deep rooted cultural and religious practices that render women and girls as subjects 2, Climate induced migration- where households move to Mozambique in search of water and fertile fields for agriculture and in so doing, they leave women and girls vulnerable to abuse. 3. Poor education- Girls and other school children walk long distances to schools, forcing a majority of the dropping out of school making room for early marriages. 4. Limited Livelihood options for women and girls, as women and girls are often excluded from mainstream economic activities such as livestock production, t is male dominated because goat production is viable in Rushinga. 5.Limited Access to Water for Domestic and Productive this has forced Women and girls to walk long distances to alternative water sources or wait in long queues. In addition, due to frequent breakdowns of boreholes, the main sources of water, over 60% of the households in Rushinga have witnessed incidences of violence at water points. 6. Food insecurity-Food insecurity is mainly a result of poor rainfall and poor quality of agricultural land and part of the fairly fertile land is unusable because of landmines and is only now gradually becoming available for crop and livestock production as Halo Trust demines the area.

Agricultural and Human Development in Moatize, Tete Province


The Project aims at reducing poverty and increasing food security through activities focused on Agricultural and Human Development in Tete Province, Moatize District. More specifically with this Project, our partner SSM (Sociedade Salesiana de Mozambique) is developing actions to increase agricultural production and families incomes in the rural area of Moatize District including also communities affected by mining explorations. SSM has a strong and long term presence in the distric of Moatize having developed rural projects during the last 9 years. The main Project Logic is contributing to: - poverty reduction in 18 communities of Moatize District including some resettlements from mining explorations. - increase families income thanks to agricultural production improvement and better access to local market - Improving the services offered by "Centro Agrícola de Mameme II" about trainings in agriculture and human development - developing of groups and associations of local farmers in order to reduce their vulnerability. - strengthening relations between farmers associations - supporting female and male prisoners of Tete and Moatize through agricultural and human development trainings - strengthening the use between target communites of renewable energies and sustainable us of natural resources. - Spreading messages about renewable energies and sustainable us of natural resources, land rights, associations etc. through Radio Comunitaria D. Bosco. In order to rich Project's main goals SSM is going to work in close relation with "Ministério da Agricultura", (Direcções Provinciais e Serviços Distritais de Actividades Económicas - SDAE) and Ministério da Mulher e Acção Social, (Direcção Provincial e Distrital da Mulher e Acção Social de Tete e Moatize).

Indigenous people’s rights and sustainable livelihoods programme


This project forms part of CAFOD’s indigenous people's land and livelihoods programme which aims to support the empowerment of indigenous communities in the Philippines to lead their own development, and improve their quality of life, through increased control and more sustainable management of natural resources within their ancestral lands. The Subanen people who live in the Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao, are among the poorest and most marginalized people in the Philippines. Most Subanen communities are located in remote but resource-rich areas, but Subanen people have little, if any, effective representation in decision-making bodies, and indigenous women have even less say. This project will support two indigenous organisations to apply for land rights and develop land use plans for the ancestral lands. Pigsalabukan Gukom de Bayog is a traditional council of the Subanen People of the central region of the Zamboanga Peninsula representing the Bayog Indigenous community. This project will support the community of Bayog to secure their land rights and to undertake a land use planning process in order to reduce resource related conflicts and to ensure the natural resources within the domain will be managed sustainably PDSI is a Subanen women’s network representing the Kumalarang indigenous community. Through this project CAFOD, and will support the community of Kumalarang to secure their land rights and undertake a land use planning process. This process will also ensure that Indigenous women can participate in community decision-making particularly with regard to the management of ancestral lands, maintenance of peace and order, and resolution of conflict.

Climate Justice, Environment and Equitable access to Natural resources for sustainable livelihoods


This project is inspired by OCH and aligned to Africa framework call to; amplify local voice, agency and leadership; and achieving positive impacts for people, communities and the environment . It will contribute to three outcome areas of Kenya Uganda Resilience Programme Outcomes; Outcome3:Degraded landscapes restored and protected through sustainable land management and providing a stream of ecosystems services; Outcome4:Strengthened voices and actions of communities and civil societies that are effective in influencing changes we want to see; Outcome5:Policy & decision makers are actively implementing plans, budget and initiatives that support environment and food security, water related issues, and livelihoods of women and youth. Phase1/Year 1 NCCJP will investigate environmental protection and climate change concerns fields like in mineral exploration, land use and agro fuels areas impact in the interest of the local communities specifically in relation to people’s health and food security. This is in order to advocate for inclusion of the community in government decision making processes that have impact on their collective and subjective wellbeing. The first involves carrying out a research in four ecclesiastical provinces of Uganda. Phase2 will involve conducting provincial research dissemination in the 2 ecclesiastical provinces of Uganda where the research is conducted. The conferences will bring together analysts, politicians and experts on the issue to make their inputs but also engage with emerging policies. Participants from academia, church, civil society and government deliberate on the findings and suggest relevant lines of action. Phase3 NCCJP will train leading groups from dioceses who will conduct the campaign at the grassroots level, organize campaign materials, advocacy and campaigns, prepare policy briefs and position papers to various duty bearers and lobby leaders to push for implementation of the various policies and legislation.