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Community Organizations CGIAR


CGIAR is the only worldwide partnership addressing agricultural research for development, whose work contributes to the global effort to tackle poverty, hunger and major nutrition imbalances, and environmental degradation.

It is carried out by 15 Centers, that are members of the CGIAR Consortium, in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, development organizations and the private sector.

The 15 Research Centers generate and disseminate knowledge, technologies, and policies for agricultural development through the CGIAR Research Programs. The CGIAR Fund provides reliable and predictable multi-year funding to enable research planning over the long term, resource allocation based on agreed priorities, and the timely and predictable disbursement of funds. The multi-donor trust fund finances research carried out by the Centers through the CGIAR Research Programs.

We have almost 10,000 scientists and staff in 96 countries, unparalleled research infrastructure and dynamic networks across the globe. Our collections of genetic resources are the most comprehensive in the world.

What we do

We collaborate with research and development partners to solve development problems. To fulfill our mission we:

  • Identify significant global development problems that science can help solve
  • Collect and organize knowledge related to these development problems
  • Develop research programs to fill the knowledge gaps to solve these development problems
  • Catalyze and lead putting research into practice, and policies and institutions into place, to solve these development problems
  • Lead monitoring and evaluation, share the lessons we learn and best practices we discover;
  • Conserve, evaluate and share genetic diversity
  • Strengthen skills and knowledge in agricultural research for development around the world

Making a difference

We act in the interests of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. Our track record spans four decades of research.

Our research accounted for US$673 million or just over 10 percent of the US$5.1 billion spent on agricultural research for development in 2010. The economic benefits run to billions of dollars. In Asia, the overall benefits of CGIAR research are estimated at US$10.8 billion a year for rice, US$2.5 billion for wheat and US$0.8 billion for maize.

It has often been cited that one dollar invested in CGIAR research results in about nine dollars in increased productivity in developing countries.

Sweeping reforms for the 21st century

Political, financial, technological and environmental changes reverberating around the globe mean that there are many opportunities to rejuvenate the shaky global food system. Developments in agricultural and environmental science, progress in government policies, and advances in our understanding of gender dynamics and nutrition open new avenues for producing more food and for making entrenched hunger and poverty history.

The sweeping reforms that brought in the CGIAR Consortium in 2010 mean we are primed to take advantage of these opportunities. We are eagerly tackling the ever more complex challenges in agricultural development. We are convinced that the science we do can make even more of a difference. To fulfill our goals we aim to secure US$1 billion in annual investments to fund the current CGIAR Research Programs.

CGIAR has embraced a new approach that brings together its strengths around the world and spurs new thinking about agricultural research for development, including innovative ways to pursue scientific work and the funding it requires. CGIAR is bringing donors together for better results and enabling scientists to focus more on the research through which they develop and deliver big ideas for big impact. As a result, CGIAR is more efficient and effective, and better positioned than ever before to meet the development challenges of the 21st century.

We are no longer the ‘Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research’. In 2008 we underwent a major transformation, to reflect this and yet retain our roots we are now known simply as CGIAR.



Displaying 2656 - 2660 of 12598

Determinants for deployment of climate-smart integrated pest management practices: a meta-analysis approach

Diciembre, 2021

Following the development and dissemination of new climate-smart agricultural technologies to farmers globally, there has been an increase in the number of socio-economic studies on the adoption of climate-smart integrated pests’ management (CS-IPM) technologies over the years. In this study, we review empirical evidence on adoption determinants of CS-IPM technologies and identify possible science-policy interfaces. Generally, our review shows that socioeconomic and institutional factors are influential in shaping CS-IPM adoption decisions of farmers.

Diagnosing the performance of food systems to increase accountability toward healthy diets and environmental sustainability

Diciembre, 2021

To reorient food systems to ensure they deliver healthy diets that protect against multiple forms of malnutrition and diet-related disease and safeguard the environment, ecosystems, and natural resources, there is a need for better governance and accountability. However, decision-makers are often in the dark on how to navigate their food systems to achieve these multiple outcomes. Even where there is sufficient data to describe various elements, drivers, and outcomes of food systems, there is a lack of tools to assess how food systems are performing.

Genomic prediction of the performance of hybrids and the combining abilities for line by tester trials in maize

Diciembre, 2021
El Salvador

The two most important activities in maize breeding are the development of inbred lines with high values of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA), and the identification of hybrids with high yield potentials. Genomic selection (GS) is a promising genomic tool to perform selection on the untested breeding material based on the genomic estimated breeding values estimated from the genomic prediction (GP).

Training of Trainers on Enhancing Forecasting Capacities and Crop Capability Prediction Model and Tools

Diciembre, 2021

The negative impact of hydro-meteorological hazards on the agricultural sector often leads to food insecurity. It is, therefore, incumbent upon policymakers to formulate appropriate strategies aimed at minimizing the effects of hydro-meteorological hazards on communities and economies. Hence, there is a need for timely and tailored climaterelated knowledge, information and products that support decision-making to reduce climate-related losses and enhance benefits.

Complex agricultural landscapes host more biodiversity than simple ones: A global meta-analysis

Diciembre, 2021

Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity conservation requires profound structural changes worldwide. Often, discussions are centered on management at the field level. However, a wide and growing body of evidence calls for zooming out and targeting agricultural policies, research, and interventions at the landscape level to halt and reverse the decline in biodiversity, increase biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, and improve the resilience and adaptability of these ecosystems.