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Community Organizations CGIAR


CGIAR is the only worldwide partnership addressing agricultural research for development, whose work contributes to the global effort to tackle poverty, hunger and major nutrition imbalances, and environmental degradation.

It is carried out by 15 Centers, that are members of the CGIAR Consortium, in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, development organizations and the private sector.

The 15 Research Centers generate and disseminate knowledge, technologies, and policies for agricultural development through the CGIAR Research Programs. The CGIAR Fund provides reliable and predictable multi-year funding to enable research planning over the long term, resource allocation based on agreed priorities, and the timely and predictable disbursement of funds. The multi-donor trust fund finances research carried out by the Centers through the CGIAR Research Programs.

We have almost 10,000 scientists and staff in 96 countries, unparalleled research infrastructure and dynamic networks across the globe. Our collections of genetic resources are the most comprehensive in the world.

What we do

We collaborate with research and development partners to solve development problems. To fulfill our mission we:

  • Identify significant global development problems that science can help solve
  • Collect and organize knowledge related to these development problems
  • Develop research programs to fill the knowledge gaps to solve these development problems
  • Catalyze and lead putting research into practice, and policies and institutions into place, to solve these development problems
  • Lead monitoring and evaluation, share the lessons we learn and best practices we discover;
  • Conserve, evaluate and share genetic diversity
  • Strengthen skills and knowledge in agricultural research for development around the world

Making a difference

We act in the interests of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. Our track record spans four decades of research.

Our research accounted for US$673 million or just over 10 percent of the US$5.1 billion spent on agricultural research for development in 2010. The economic benefits run to billions of dollars. In Asia, the overall benefits of CGIAR research are estimated at US$10.8 billion a year for rice, US$2.5 billion for wheat and US$0.8 billion for maize.

It has often been cited that one dollar invested in CGIAR research results in about nine dollars in increased productivity in developing countries.

Sweeping reforms for the 21st century

Political, financial, technological and environmental changes reverberating around the globe mean that there are many opportunities to rejuvenate the shaky global food system. Developments in agricultural and environmental science, progress in government policies, and advances in our understanding of gender dynamics and nutrition open new avenues for producing more food and for making entrenched hunger and poverty history.

The sweeping reforms that brought in the CGIAR Consortium in 2010 mean we are primed to take advantage of these opportunities. We are eagerly tackling the ever more complex challenges in agricultural development. We are convinced that the science we do can make even more of a difference. To fulfill our goals we aim to secure US$1 billion in annual investments to fund the current CGIAR Research Programs.

CGIAR has embraced a new approach that brings together its strengths around the world and spurs new thinking about agricultural research for development, including innovative ways to pursue scientific work and the funding it requires. CGIAR is bringing donors together for better results and enabling scientists to focus more on the research through which they develop and deliver big ideas for big impact. As a result, CGIAR is more efficient and effective, and better positioned than ever before to meet the development challenges of the 21st century.

We are no longer the ‘Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research’. In 2008 we underwent a major transformation, to reflect this and yet retain our roots we are now known simply as CGIAR.



Displaying 2351 - 2355 of 12598

Demonstrating the benefit of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries by bridging the public and private sectors

Diciembre, 2022

The agricultural transformation of Brazil through soybean intensification in the Cerrado biome is the closest model that Africa could follow, given the similarities in land mass, shared biophysical constraints (especially soil), ecological diversity and low population density11. However, a single integrated market and regulatory environment must be created, and African scientists must lead the scientific innovation in Africa.

Landscape analysis of early childhood development and agriculture in Bangladesh, Kenya, Peru, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka

Diciembre, 2022

In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), 40% of pre-school-aged children have poor development, which undermines educational attainment and earnings later in life. To reach their full developmental potential, children require adequate nutrition, good health, responsive care, and opportunities for early learning. Early childhood development (ECD) interventions can mitigate multiple risk factors related to responsive care and opportunities for early learning, whereas agricultural interventions can mitigate health and nutrition risk factors.

How can an agri-environmental scheme be designed for farmland bird protection, and what does it mean for the CAP 2023–2027?

Diciembre, 2022

Biodiversity loss is recognized as a major global threat. The European Commission has addressed this issue with vigour in its current strategy papers. Farmland birds, such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), whose population has been rapidly declining in Germany, have been particularly affected. To date, the European Union has tried to tackle the problem of biodiversity loss mainly with voluntary agri-environmental schemes (AESs), which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Towards optimised climate-smart agriculture resource investment decisions: Mapping program impact areas, policy support and mitigation feasibility

Diciembre, 2022

This scoping study documents climate-smart agriculture efforts in Ghana, their scalability, and potential resilience impacts. The work fills the gap in CSA use evidence and provides a methodological approach for mapping and evaluating its feasibility. The results provide insights and evidence to support policy formulation, agenda setting and strategy development. As the saying goes, "You can't manage what you can't measure" the paucity of data and evidence on the key aspects of where, when, what, by who on CSA usage hampers implementation.

Sahel social cohesion research in Burkina Faso and Niger: Research Brief

Diciembre, 2022
Burkina Faso

The World Food Programme (WFP) supports communities to mitigate the impact of and build resilience to natural and human-made shocks and stressors that contribute to food insecurity and destabilize people’s livelihoods. WFP’s interventions, therefore, aim to equip communities with the knowledge, skills, and tools to avert or mitigate the impact of cyclical natural events such as droughts and floods through asset and capacity building in affected communities.