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This report examines poverty issues in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on three areas. First, it provides a summary of the trends in poverty over the period 2000-2003 by drawing upon comparable data from the Household Budget Surveys from those years. Second, based upon the Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey (KIHS ) it presents the new estimates of absolute and extreme poverty by applying updated poverty analysis methodology. Third, the report provides a profile of the poor in order to determine whether with the changes in survey instruments and sampling, there have been any major changes in the composition and location of the poor. It is organized with: an overview of the main social and infrastructure indictors of the Kyrgyz Republic against other Europe and Central Asia countries; a review of the changes in poverty over time; and an updated poverty profile using the KIHS data. Annexes both present the methodology and elaborate on methodological and statistical topics