Resource information
This Order sets regulations on the planning of land use and contributes that ensure the protection of the environment for sustainable human living conditions and preservation of animal and plant life. It applies to the metropolitan areas around the capital Copenhagen with the implementation of a planning strategy named "Fingerplan 2013" - which is a revision of the Finger Plan 2007 with the goal of creating a coherent network of open areas and green trails in the metropolitan area, and diverse residential opportunities to ensure an environmentally-focussed development of municipal functions and activities. The Order applies to metropolitan areas of: Copenhagen (except for Bornholms municipality), Greve, Køge, Lejre, Roskilde, Solrød and Stevns municipalities. Definition of the inner metropolitan area is shown in Appendix A.The Act consists of 8 Chapters and Map Appendices (A through R): Metropolitan area (1); Main structure (2); Inner metropolitan area (3) Outer metropolitan area (4); Green wedges (5); Other metropolitan areas (6); Transversal issues (7); Entry into force (8).Map Appendices A and A.0 - The four geographic areas.Appendix B - Stations and Junction Stations.
Implemented by: Guidance No. 9449 on Order regarding the metropolitan area's planning (Fingerplan 2013). (2013-08-09)
Implements: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)