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This decree amends articles 1, 2,3 and 7 of Decree No. 8803 of 2002 amended by decree No. 16456 of 2006 as the following: (a) replacement of the Map I attached to Decree No. 8803 with the Map I first amendment attached to this Decree; (b) prohibition drilling operations and exploitation of stone quarries, sand excavations and cavities, ornamental stone quarries and rock quarries for mosaic in protected zones, natural sites, parks and river courses; (c) The National Council for Stone Quarries shall issue licences for the exploitation of stone quarries and stone crackers in the zones indicated in the attached map; (d) creation and exploitation of stone quarries and stone crackers are subject to a previous licences issued by the Prefect in accordance with the approval of the National Council for Stone Quarries; (e) communication from the Ministry of Energy and Water-General Department for Exploitation about any probable and direct effects or consequences to ground and surface water as well as to electricity lines; and (f) Paragraphs 12a, 12b and 12w are now abrogated
Amended by: Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stone quarries. (2002-10-0)
Amends: Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stone quarries. (2002-10-04)