Resource information
This Instruction establishes the modalities of soil decontamination with methyl bromide in hothouses (irrespective of the form of property) for cucumber, tomato, pepper and aubergine plants, greens (lettuce, parsley and celery) and ornamental flowering plants to protect against terricolous pests. In each case, the treatment of soil with methyl bromide shall be coordinated with the state sanitary service. Applicants shall submit the following documentation: (a) blueprint of hothouse with sanitary protection zone(s) marked; (b) schedule of treatment and departmental inspection for the presence of maximum residue limits (MRL) of methyl bromide in the air and bromides in soil; and (c) presence of maximum residue limits (MRL) of methyl bromide in vegetables. Annex 1 contains the requirements for storage and transport of methyl bromide.