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The composition and configuration of landscape elements as well as their size and shape co-determine the character of the flows and processes in the landscape. Using remote sensing data and landscape metrics, this article sets out to analyse changes in the landscape structure at two different spatial scales, focusing on two study areas in the Czech Republic in the latter half of the twentieth century. To compute the landscape metrics, Patch Analyst 3.0 software was applied (Sustainable Forest Management Network and the Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources). Considering the number of individual patch types and their degree of diversity over an approximately 50-year time period: 1948–1982–1990–2005 (as well as for comparison of Patch Analyst results with CORINE land cover data on a larger spatial scale, 1990–2000), the most sensible approach would be to focus explicitly on analysing the results obtained through Patch Analyst.