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Other legal document
Abril 2014

Ministerial Order N° 003/14 OF 14/04/2014 Determining the Structure of Land Registers, the Responsibilities and the Functioning of the District Land Bureau. Published on the 14 April 2014

Reports & Research
Marzo 2014

This case study has been produced in response to a request to the Evidence on Demand Helpdesk. The objective of the request was to provide a detailed case study on the approach taken to land tenure reform by the DFID-funded Land Tenure Regularisation Programme (LTRSP) in Rwanda. The case study…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Marzo 2014

The aim of this policy brief is to describe current and historical conflicts over rights to land and natural resources within and surrounding protected areas in Rwanda. We examine the roots of contested claims between citizens and the State and offer some potential avenues for resolving these…

Reports & Research
Febrero 2014

In conflict situations, peace settlements and cease-fire agreements may often, end violent conflicts, but do not prevent renewed violence or guarantee a permanent end to conflicts.5 According to the World Bank, chances that renewed conflicts will erupt are high and even higher when control over…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero 2014

<strong>March 2014</strong> – This paper assesses the extent to which Rwanda’s progressive legal framework has eliminated gender-based discrimination in access and control over land by taking a nuanced look at women’s ability to make land-related decisions and at the factors that…

Diciembre 2013

This paper documents a Rwanda Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2011. The national SAM is based on newly estimated supply-use tables, national accounts, state budgets, and balance of payments. The SAM reconciles these data using cross-entropy estimation techniques. The final SAM is a…