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Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 17. Este artículo identifica y analiza los aspectos relacionados con la gobernanza de la tierra y proporciona ejemplos de buena gobernanza en la subregión del Caribe. Este documento de trabajo se realizó en vista de las Directrices Voluntarias…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 15. Esta publicación presenta los vínculos que existen entre la tenencia de la tierra y la realización del derecho a la alimentación. Plantea que una gobernanza responsable de la tierra requiere un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos con el…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 18. Présente les principaux thèmes qui caractérisent la gouvernance des régimes fonciers et analyse les questions liées à l’évolution des problématiques de politique agricole dans les différents pays d’Amérique Centrale. Il propose également quelques…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Meeting Name: Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2010/4
Session: Sess. 26

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2010

This paper examines some of the key technical, institutional, policy and financial responses required to achieve climate-smart agriculture which sustainably increases productivity, resilience (adaptation), reduces/removes Greenhouse Gases (mitigation), and enhances achievement of national food…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2010

Este documento examina algunas de las respuestas técnicas, institucionales, políticas y financieras clave y necesarias para lograr una agricultura climáticamente inteligente que incrementa de manera sostenible la productividad, la resilencia (adaptación), reduce/elimina GEI (mitigación) y…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2010

The impacts of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis have been increasing steadily since the 1950’s, particularly for developing countries. According to a World Bank external evaluation report “natural disasters destroyed US$652 billion in property worldwide in…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Meeting Name: Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2010/4
Session: Sess. 26

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Throughout its history, Mozambique has had to deal with cyclones and floods, and when these are severe they have a devastating impact. Apart from the immediate threat to human life, such natural disasters seriously impede economic growth. There is no doubt that the Limpopo valley floods in 2000…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Concentration of land ownership, lack of access, insecurity of tenure and lack of efficiency and transparency in land administration services, are among the obstacles towards responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources in Latin America. These issues have been the subject…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2010

Land Tenure Working Paper 17. This publication identifies and assesses issues related to land governance and provides examples of good governance in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2010

Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in agricultural investment. In many cases, this new momentum has translated into large-scale acquisitions of farmland in lower- and middle-income countries. Partly as a result of sustained media attention, these acquisitions have triggered lively…