Ce manuel de formation se concentre essentiellement sur les relations entre les systèmes de savoirs locaux, le rôle assigné à chaque sexe, leurs relations, la conservation et la gestion de la biodiversité agricole, les ressources animales et phytogénétiques ainsi que la sécurité alimentaire. L…
On the occasion of the International Year of Mountains-2002, FAO and its partners undertook a large-scale assessment and global review of the current status and future trends of integrated and participatory watershed management. The overall objectives were to promote the exchange and…
Globally, according to FRA 2000, planted forests account ed for only 5% of forest area, but up to 35% of industrial roundwood supply. This is anticipated to rise to 40-44% by 2020. Planted forests reflect a higher social, environmental and economic importance than their area would suggest.…
This manual therefore aims to explore the linkages between agrobiodiversity, gender and local knowledge, and to show the relevance of doing so, within the context of research and development. This manual will not equip you with the skills needed to conduct participatory or action research at…
This paper represents part of an area of work on land tenure in post-conflict situations. An earlier LSP paper explored post-conflict land tenure in the context of sustainable livelihoods (LSP Working Paper 18: Unruh, J. (2004). “Post-conflict land tenure: using a sustainable livelihoods…
Water for agriculture draws on a range of sources - from naturally available water bodies to water supply infrastructure. In sub-Saharan Africa, only a very small percentage of arable land is irrigated. Most farmers produce food under rainfed conditions. In 1995, for instance, 89 percent of…
Across rural Africa, land legislation struggles to be properly implemented, and most resource users gain access to land on the basis of local land tenure systems. Although such systems claim to draw their legitimacy from “tradition” and are commonly referred to as “customary” (and for easier…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
Supporting capacity development for sustainable agricultural water management The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the IPTRID Secretariat as a Special Programme of FAO. The Secretariat is located in the…
En 1999, la FAO publiait la première version française du Thésaurus multilingue du foncier. Cette version avait surtout pour vocation d'être mise à l'épreuve du terrain, c'est-à-dire soumise aux critiques constructives tant des usagers à la recherche d'informations et d'…