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This Act imposes a charge on the capital gains deriving from the sale of any land and grants powers to the Governor-General to impose an additional charge on concessions made under this Act in respect of special development areas as defined by this Act. The Act further provides for the…


This Act makes provision for some aspects relating to the settlement on land. The Cabinet may, by Order, declare any area of Crown land to a settlement area. A settlement area shall be destined for the settlement of small agricultural holdings and the land allocated shall be subject to…


This Act makes provision, among other things, for the disposal of lands of the Land Settlement and Development Board as established under the Land Settlement and Development Board Act and the use of the Fund established under the same Act. Lands held by the Board immediately before the coming…


This Act lays down rules for the licensing of surveyors and the carrying out of land surveys of public and private land and provides for the appointment of a Chief Surveyor and the establishment of the Land Surveyors Board.The Chief Surveyor shall direct and control all public surveys, shall…


This Act declares the lands of the Antigua and Barbuda Sugar Factory Limited and of the Antigua and Barbuda Syndicate Estates Limited specified in the First Schedule to this Act to be vested in the Crown, freed and discharged from any mortgage in favour of the Royal Bank of Canada. The Act also…


This Act formulates a duty of non-citizens to develop land held in ownership, grants powers to the Minister to declare land held by non-citizens to be underdeveloped land and imposes an annual tax on the value of such underdeveloped land.In determining whether a non-citizen is fulfilling his or…


This Act sets out the conditions and procedures for the partition of land held by more than one tenant, i.e. joint tenants and tenants in common.Any person entitled to claim partition may apply to Court for partition, which shall, after issue of an order of partition by Court, take place in the…


This Act provides rules relative to the holding of land in Antigua and Barbuda by a person who is not a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.“Non-citizen” is defined by the Act. No land or mortgage on land shall be held by unlicensed non-citizens but land may be acquired under a lease not exceeding…


This Act provides rules relative to the possibility of discharge of debt incurred by heirs of a real estate deriving from mortgage or any other equitable charge. The Act also makes provision with respect of mortgagees in recovering debt and duties of heirs or testators or intestate as regarding…


This Act makes provision for various matters relative to real estate property. The matters regulated include: deeds relating to land, validity of transfer of and other legal actions involving real property and related rights, licensing in relation with property leases, Rights and duties of…


This Act provides with respect to legal actions relating to recovery of rent or land and places restrictions on the making of entries, distress, action or suit for the reasons as specified in the Act.Legal actions concern the recovery of land or rent, assurances made by tenants in tail of any…


This Act provides for representation in relation with and administration of estates involved in inheritance proceedings. It also provides for the transfer of the estate to heirs.The Act regulates rights and duties of personal representatives of a deceased person, who shall act as trustees in…