Effect of Nutritional Flushing Using Long-Term Energy and Protein Supplementation on Growth Performance and Reproductive Parameters of Doyogena Ewes in Ethiopia
Nutritional flushing has the potential to increase reproduction in small ruminants. Utilization of locally available feed resources is imperative if smallholder farmers are to adopt improved nutritional strategies for flushing sustainably.
Economic benefits of sustainable, forage-based cattle systems in Colombia and Nicaragua
Forage-based cattle systems play a key role in rural economies of developing countries in terms of food security and poverty alleviation, particularly in tropical Latin America. However, they are often related to being a major cause of negative environmental impacts by contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and the reduction of biodiversity.
The adoption and impacts of improved parboiling technology for rice value chain upgrading on the livelihood of women rice parboilers in Benin
Food insecurity and child malnutrition remain persistent problems in sub-Saharan Africa. Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population. However, white rice is poor in micronutrients and records higher glycemic values compared to parboiled rice.
Effects of mid-season drainage on iron toxicity, rice yield, and water productivity in irrigated systems in the derived savannah agroecological zone of West Africa
Context: Increasing rice yield is crucial for meeting the demand of the fast-growing population in sub-Saharan Africa. Mid-season drainage can reduce iron toxicity, which is one of the major constraints to rice production in this region, and increase rice yield and water productivity.
CGIAR Fragility, Conflict and Migration (FCM) Initiative Launch event in Abuja, Nigeria
Context assessment for mixed farming systems in Malawi
Using participatory GIS and collaborative management approaches to enhance local actors’ participation in rangeland management: the case of Vulindlela, South Africa
Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) is an empowering tool for the enhancement of local communities’ participation in the planning and management of natural resources. The inadequate involvement of local stakeholders in rangeland planning and management has been of great concern.
Fragility, Conflict and Migration (FCM) & National Policies and Strategies (NPS) Joint Initiative Seminar
This presentation is a collection of slides used by speakers at the Fragility, Conflict and Migration (FCM) & National Policies and Strategies (NPS) Joint Initiative Seminar May 12, 2023 Abuja Nigeria.
Conference highlights: Investing in farmer-led irrigation development in Sub-Saharan Africa: farmer-led irrigation in sub-Sahara Africa
Fragility, Conflict, and Migration
Fragility, Conflict, and Migration addresses challenges to livelihood, food, and climate security faced by some of the most vulnerable populations worldwide. The Initiative focuses on building climate resilience, promoting gender equity, and fostering social inclusion.