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Property Rights of Women in Tamil Nadu

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2012

The study on Property Rights of women in Tamil Nadu covers the property rights of Women belonging to various religious groups- Hindu, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and in particular Tribal Women of Nilgiris district in Tamil Nadu. In this light, the current study is an attempt to comprehend the inheritence patttern of interstate property wuth a descriptive succession. 

Land Tenure and Economic Activities in Uganda: a Literature Review

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2012

Examines the literature on Uganda’s tenure systems, including the legal and administrative frameworks and their implementation at the local level, analyses the relations between these elements and tenure security and discusses ways in which land may relate to economic activities. Implementation of reforms has been slow and partial.

The County Governments Act, 2012

LandLibrary Resource
Legislation & Policies
Octubre, 2012


Date of assent: 24th July, 2012.

Date of commencement: See Section 1.

An Act of Parliament to give effect to Chapter Eleven of the Constitution; to provide for county governments' powers, functions and responsibilities to deliver services and for connected purpose

Gendered Dimensions of Land & Rural Livelihoods. The case of new settler farmer displacement at Nuanetsi Ranch, Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2012

Nuanetsi Ranch had been invaded by villagers from different parts of Mwenezi, Chiredzi and Chivi communal areas since 2000. In February 2010, the government announced that the settlers had to be removed and resettled in other ’uncontested lands’ in the area, compromising their rights to sustainable livelihoods, human development and land acquisition.

Advocacy poster for state land allocation for land less people in Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
Septiembre, 2012

Uttaran is the pioneer leading national non-government to promote rights for landless people of Bangladesh since 1985. As part of its activities under land less people and state land settlement, it has already piloted the participatory land less selection process and state land identification.

Mujer, agricultura y seguridad alimentaria: una mirada para el fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas en América Latina

LandLibrary Resource
Septiembre, 2012

En el presente documento se analiza el carácter estratégico que tiene la mujer rural en relación a la agricultura y la seguridad alimentaria y la forma cómo han ido respondiendo las políticas públicas a este respecto. Esta vinculación se procesa desde varios ámbitos: como procesadora y conservadora de alimentos y, por tanto, como responsables de la alimentación de su familia.

Gendered dimensions of land and rural livelihoods: the case of new settler farmer displacement at Nuanetsi Ranch, Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe

LandLibrary Resource
Septiembre, 2012

The biofuel boom has become a core issue in Zimbabwean land and development debates. Biofuels require large tracts of land for production; and the land acquisition programmes by the various state, non-state actors and individuals have been termed ‘land grabbing’. The increasing global demand for biofuels has different gender specific socio-economic and environmental effects in Zimbabwe.