Mitigating Climate Change in Drylands – The Case for Financing Carbon Sequestration
Drylands have the potential to play a big role in climate mitigation and, in doing so, to deliver significant co-benefits
Drylands have the potential to play a big role in climate mitigation and, in doing so, to deliver significant co-benefits
Until now, the international community has made tireless efforts to get public attention and political action on issues of desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) with limited success.
Comme la Préface l’a souhaité, ce document est conçu comme un plaidoyer. Son objectif, en effet, est de montrer pourquoi il faut aujourd’hui replacer la Convention de Lutte contre la Désertification au cœur des stratégies engagées pour affronter la crise montante de l’écosystème global.
Desertification is defined as land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. More than one third of the surface of the earth consists of drylands. In terms of population, one out of every five people of the world live in already degraded or desertification-prone drylands.
Avant-propos La notion de désertification se définit comme une dégradation des sols en zone aride, semi-aride et subhumide sèche, souvent appelée simplement « zone aride ». On estime qu’elle résulte d’une combinaison de facteurs, parmi lesquels les changements climatiques et l’activité humaine. Plus d’un tiers de la superficie totale de la terre est considéré comme zone aride.
En este escrito se expone una clasificación de 15 miniaturas zoomorfas inkas de metal y Spondylus, basada en formas y técnicas de manufactura desarrollando también una interpretación del significado de materiales, de asociaciones cardinales y de objetos del contexto funerario recuperado en 1999 de la cima del volcán Llullaillaco (6.739 msnm, Provincia de Salta, Argentina).
La cuenca del río Los Puestos, área considerada en este trabajo, se sitúa en el extremo norte del departamento de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina. Sus límites están establecidos por las formaciones pampeanas Ambato-Manchao (4.050 m.s.n.m.) al oeste, y por la sierra Graciana-Balcozna (1.850 m.s.n.m.) al este.
Se compararon dos manejos pratenses: pastoreo con vacunos y pastoreo con ovejas, en un suelo volcánico, del centro-sur de Chile, con los valores bioindicadores de Ellenberg establecidos para malezas europeas, que forman esas praderas.
This study investigated the impacts of access to inventory credit, input supply shops, fertilizer microdosing demonstrations, and other factors on farmers’ use of inorganic fertilizer and other inputs in Niger and on crop yields.
"Smallholder producers in marginal and semiarid areas of eastern Kenya have not benefited greatly from research investments made in improvement of crops grown in such environments (sorghum, millet, and legumes, including pigeonpea) either by the international community or the national agricultural research system because of poorly developed seed systems.