IBLI Index in North Horr based on data up to 13-28 September 2012
Policies in support of pastoralism and biodiversity in the heterogeneous drylands of East Africa
Measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases in African livestock systems: building capability to meet the challenge: Workshop Report
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) hosted a 3-day workshop sponsored by the
Report of the regional workshop on sustainable intensification of mixed crop-livestock farming systems in Northern Ghana, Tamale, Ghana, 27-28 August 2012
Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI): Livestock against drought-related mortality in Kenya and Ethiopia
Mise en place de la plateforme d' innovation dans la commune de Yorobougoula, Mali
Evaluación del tejido adiposo de toretes en pastoreo finalizados con ensilado de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.)
Buscando alternativas de alimentación que permitan reducir la pigmentación amarilla de la grasa en la canal del ganado bovino, se realizó un experimento con toretes finalizados en pastoreo, en el cual se evaluó el efecto de suplementación con ensilado de caña de azúcar (EC) en la digestibilidad, comportamiento productivo y color de la grasa en la canal.
An Analysis of International Law, National Legislation, Judgements, and Institutions as they Interrelate with Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Across the world, areas with high or important biodiversity are often located within Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ conserved territories and areas (ICCAs).
Ethiopia—Strengthening Land Administration Program (ELAP)
1 Background The Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Land Tenure and Administration Study (PALTAS) was launched because of the compelling need to identify and recommend policy that clarify and strengthen the land rights of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists and put in place appropriate administrative mechanisms to enforce their rights.
Identifying spatial priorities for protecting ecosystem services
Priorities for protecting ecosystem services must be identified to ensure future human well-being. Approaches to broad-scale spatial prioritization of ecosystem services are becoming increasingly popular and are a vital precursor to identifying locations where further detailed analyses of the management of ecosystem services is required (e.g., examining trade-offs among management actions).
Evolution of agricultural water management in rainfed crop-livestock systems of the Volta Basin
This study of the evolution of AWM in the Volta Basin yielded key recommendations for research-for-development interventions and new concepts for research on water management. When promoting AWM strategies, projects should carefully study the available information on factors triggering adoption,