Site selection in the dairy value chain in Bihar state, India
Assessment of the Customary Land Administration and Natural Resource Management in the Pastoral Areas of the Oromia Regional State
Pastoralism has been under pressure due to a number of factors including climate change, population pressure and socioeconomic dynamism. These factors have affected the relationships among different pastoral groups and the functioning of the customary institutions in managing natural resources.
Annual progress report 2013: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems (Dryland Systems)
Annual progress report 2013: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems (Dryland Systems)
Integrated National Policy Approaches to Climate-Smart Agriculture. Insights from Brazil, Ethiopia, and New Zealand
In the absence of clear international policy signals and strong global agreements on climate change and sustainable agriculture, countries are moving forward to test sustainability strategies through innovative policies and financing programmes.
Assessment of existing and potential feed resources to improve livestock productivity in the dryland areas of Burkina Faso
Novel insurance program offers hope for livestock keepers in drought-prone East Africa
Win-win solutions for dryland Africa
Developing a national map of livestock routes in Tanzania in order to value service and protect them
Agrosilvopastoral Systems in Northern Thailand and Northern Laos: Minority Peoples’ Knowledge versus Government Policy
Traditional agrosilvopastoral systems have been an important component of the farming systems and livelihoods of thousands of ethnic minority people in the uplands of Mainland Southeast Asia.
Participatory Land Use Planning to Support Tanzanian Farmer and Pastoralist Investment
The food security of more than 80% of Tanzania’s population and the country’s economic growth depend on family farming on certifi ed village lands.