Lessons learned from the implementation of reduced-impact logging in hilly terrain in Sabah, Malaysia
Between 1992 and 1997, about 2400 ha of old growth dipterocarp forest in southeastern Sabah was logged to reduced-impact logging (RIL) guidelines as part of a pilot carbon offset project.
L'Impact de la crise economique sur les systemes agricoles et la changement du couvert forestier dans la zone forestiere humide du Cameroun
A sample survey of 648 households was conducted in 54 villages in the humid forest zone of Cameroon to understand the effect of the economic crisis (dating from 1986) and the 1994 currency devaluation on the practices of small farmers, and the effect of these practices on forest cover change.
Matagalpa, Nicaragua: caminos nuevos para el manejo participativo en la cuenca del río Cálico
Methodes complementaires pour l'evaluation du bien-etre-social
The Grab Bag' is designed to complement 'the BAG' and for use by social scientists who may find 'the BAG' overly prescriptive. The eight methods presented are either more difficult for non-social scientists to use or, in a couple of cases, can substitute for one or more method presented in 'the BAG'.
Panduan cara pemberian skor dan analisis untuk menilai kesejahteraan manusia
This is designed to supplement 'the BAG' and 'the Grab Bag'. It provides a scoring method that can be used with the two manuals, to come to a decision about particular criteria and indicators in particular forest and human settings. Following the section on scoring is a section on analysis.
Panduan pendamping penilaian dasar kesejahteraan manusia
The Grab Bag' is designed to complement 'the BAG' and for use by social scientists who may find 'the BAG' overly prescriptive. The eight methods presented are either more difficult for non-social scientists to use or, in a couple of cases, can substitute for one or more method presented in 'the BAG'.
Panduan penilaian dasar kesejahteraan manusia
The BAG focuses on the social criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, a topic that has been the subject of considerable controversy and uncertainty. It is designed for people interested in assessing sustainable forest management, but who do not have a high degree of expertise in social sciences.
Panduan untuk menerapkan analisa multikriteria dalam menilai kriteria dan indikator
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision-making is that reaching a general consensus in a multidisciplinary team can be very difficult to achieve.
Panduan untuk pengembangan, pengujian dan pemilihan kriteria dan indikator untuk pengelolaan hutan lestari
This manual provides methods for the development and evaluation of criteria and indicators (C&I) which can then be used to assess the sustainability of forest management.
Quem é mais importante? A avaliação do bem-estar humano no manejo florestal sustentável
Who counts most? Assessing human well being in sustainable forest management presents a tool, 'the Who Counts Matrix', for differentiating 'forest actors', or people whose well-being and forest management are intimately intertwined, from other stakeholders. The authors argue for focusing formal attention on forest actors in efforts to develop sustainable forest management.