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Decreto Nº 2.663 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos de clarificación de la situación de las tierras desde el punto de vista de la propiedad y de la delimitación.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto reglamentan los capítulos X y XIV de la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relativo a los procedimientos de clarificación de la situación de las tierras desde el punto de vista de la propiedad, de delimitación o deslinde de las tierras del dominio de la Nación y los relacionados con los resguardos indígenas y las tierras de las comunidades negras.

Ministerial Decree No. 1056 of 1999 regarding the validation of the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Policy.

Europa oriental

This Decree validates the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Policy. Federal Committee on Land Policy (GOSKOMZEM) is the Federal Authority that coordinates interministerial activity of the issues pertaining to the sphere of land relationship, functional regulation in this field, including the keeping up of land cadastre, valuation of land, land survey , state control over the use of land and the soil protection. Federal Committee on Land Policy has its local (territorial) branches at the regional level.

Amendment of the Law on Assignment and Reclamation of Lands in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Asia occidental
Asia meridional

The present Law introduces some amendments to the Law of 16 October 1979 on Assignment and Reclamation of Lands in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In particular, the amendments consists of detailed provisions on types and size of lands, formation of the decision making council, dispute settlement as well as specific terminology on the subject.

Amends: Law on Assignment and Reclamation of Lands in Islamic Republic of Iran. (1979-10-16)

Physical Planning Act 1989.

Papua Nueva Guinea

Section 2 declares that all land in Papua New Guinea shall be subject to this Act. Section 4 defines matters primarily of national interest for the purposes of this Act. Where consideration is being given to a physical planning matter under this Act, the appropriate authority shall take into account the provisions of the Environmental Planning Act 1978, the Environmental Contaminants Act 1978, and the Conservation Areas Act 1978 and other matters listed in section 5. The Minister may appoint a Chief Physical Planner for the purposes of this Act pursuant to section 6.

Law on Assignment and Reclamation of Lands in Islamic Republic of Iran.

Asia occidental
Asia meridional

The purpose of this Act is to regulate provisions regarding transfer of lands to individuals in order to make efficient use of water and fertile soil, as well as leading the country to self-sufficiency. In particular, it should be noted that rights of the people on fruitful lands should be respected. Exploitation of the natural woods and forests are exclusive rights of the Government. The Government may assign abandoned lands to individuals for agricultural purpose. Indigenous people and persons with knowledge in agriculture are considered as a priority.

Acuerdo Nº 140 - Fija el tamaño máximo de las unidades agrícolas familiares promedio por región.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo fija el tamaño máximo de las unidades agrícolas familiares (UAF) promedio por región, determinadas en los proyectos productivos y cuya extensión permita con su proyecto productivo y tecnología adecuada generar como mínimo dos salarios mínimos legales mensuales vigentes, permitiendo a la familia remunerar su trabajo y disponer de un excedente capitalizable que coadyuve a la formación de su patrimonio.

Implementa: Ley Nº 1.152 - Dicta el Estatuto de Desarrollo Rural y reforma el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER). (2007-07-25)

Law on Land Reform.

Asia occidental
Asia meridional

The purpose of this Act is to regulate general principles governing the limits of ownership of lands by individuals in the country. In particular, no one may own more than a certain amount of land in the whole country. Any land in excess shall be seized by the Government and redistributed. Fruit and tea gardens, as well as agricultural land are exempt from this limitation. Abandoned land, wasteland and land exceeding the maximum permitted, are considered eligible for division and redistribution. According to the Act, farmers are considered as priority in land redistribution.

Act LV of 1994 on Arable Land.

Europa oriental

The purpose of this Law is the establishment of market oriented conditions in the agricultural sector based on private ownership. Land transfer and the use of land as guarantee for land-based credit should promote the efficient operation of new businesses. This Law basically regulates the use of arable land and aims to create landed properties suitable for competitive agricultural production, avoiding to burden land with the effects of excessive subdivision.

Regional Law No. 135-OZ on determination of the price of land within and outside settlements of the Kaluga Region in the process of selling the plots of land pertaining to state and municipal property to the owners of edifices, constructions and works ...

Europa oriental

The price of land within and outside settlements of the Kaluga Region in the process of selling the plots of land pertaining to state and municipal property to the owners of edifices, constructions and works situated on them is fixed tenfold of land charges for a unit of area of a plot of land. In the process of selling a plot of land there must be applied correction factor to the price of the plot of land taking into account main use of edifices, constructions and works situated on it in accordance with the legislation currently in force.