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Decreto Nº 794/79 - Interpreta artículo de la Ley de Reforma Agraria.

América central

El presente Decreto interpreta el artículo 135 de la Ley de Reforma Agraria, en el sentido de que la facultad que corresponde al Estado de conocer y resolver todo lo relacionado con la tenencia y explotación de las tierras destinadas a la reforma agraria, incluye el arrendamiento de tierras rurales susceptibles de uso agrícola o ganadero.

Implementa: Decreto Ley Nº 170/74 - Ley de Reforma Agraria. (1974-12-30)

Agricultural Small Holdings Act.


This Act provides for control of tenancy contracts of small holdings, i.e. parcels of land intended for cultivation or pasturage, with or without buildings thereon, consisting of not less than a quarter of an acre and not more than 25 acres. The Act provides rules relative to contracts of tenancy and provides with respect to evidence of registered contracts. A contract of tenancy shall be registered by the landlord with the Registrar of the High Court.

Law of Property Act (RSA 2000, c. L-7).

América Septentrional

The present Act lays down provisions relating to acquisition, sharing and protection of land. The text consists of 79 sections divided into 8 Parts as follows: Transfer and descent of land (1); Common parties contracts and conveyances (2); Partition and sale (3); Attornment clauses (4); Enforcement of mortgages and agreements for sale of land (5); Enforcement of purchase-money, security agreements (6); Mineral titles clarification (7); Miscellaneous (8).

Implemented by: Law of Property Regulation (Alta. Reg. 89/2004). (2014)

Agricultural Small Holdings (Regulation of Rentals) Act.


This Act establishes the Agricultural Rent Board for purposes of control of rent of small holdings, i.e. parcels of land intended for cultivation or pasturage, with or without buildings thereon, consisting of not less than a quarter of an acre and not more than 25 acres. The Board shall have the power and duty to determine the standard rent of small holdings situated in any controlled area in Montserrat.

Crop Payments Act (RSA 2000, c. C-33).

América Septentrional

The present Act provides protection for both parties under a lease or agreement for sale for land where payment is made with the crops grown on said land. In particular, the Act operates when, pursuant to a lease, sale, or first mortgage on a piece of land, there is provision made to pay the rent, purchase money, or mortgage money either in whole or part with crops grown on that land. The maximum amount of any lien or charge which may be charged as a result of the transaction is one third of the value of the crop.

Federal Law No. 119-FZ amending Federal Law No. FZ-102 on mortgage.

Europa oriental

Article 25 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Registration of mortgage shall be lifted by the state registration authority in so far as it relates to plot of land owned by the constructor or mortgaged of the right of lease or sublease of plot of land”.

Amends: Federal Law No. FZ-102 on mortgage. (1998-07-16)

Lands Administration Regulation - Crown Lands and Forests Act (N.B. Reg. 2009-62).

América Septentrional

This Regulation implements the Crown Lands and Forests Act by making detailed provisions on leasing. The Regulation distinguishes the classes of leases of Crown lands, defines respective rentals and the conditions for issuing leases and for their management The text consists of 9 sections. Six Schedules are enclosed.

Implements: Crown Lands and Forests Act (S.N.B. 1980, c. C-38.1). (2014-05-01)
Repeals: Leasing Regulation - Crown Lands and Forests Act (N.B. Reg. 89-32). (2006-04-01)

Distress for Rent (Bailiffs) Act 1933 (Cap. 76).

África oriental

This Act prescribes that a person, other than a landlord or his or her attorney or the legal owner of a reversion, shall only act as bailiff to levy any distress for rent if authorized by a certificate of a certifying officer. A certificate may be general or apply to a particular distress or distresses. Any person, required by this Act to hold a certificate as a bailiff, who levies distress for rent without a certificate, shall be, without prejudice to any civil liability, liable to a specified fine.

Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On concession agreements”.

Europa oriental

This Federal Law regulates relations originating from elaboration, conclusion, performance and stopping of concession agreements ensuring protection of rights and legal interests of the participants of concession agreements. Object of concession agreement must be owned by concessor at the moment of conclusion of concession agreement. This Law envisages the following objects that can be granted on concession: (a) waterworks; (b) water supply, water and waste treatment facilities; and (c) plots of land, plots of forests and waterbodies on condition of lease.

Land Acquisition Act 1965 (Cap. 226).

África oriental

This Act sets out the procedures for the acquisition of land by the State for public purposes. The Minister may, by Statutory Instrument, make a declaration to the effect that specified land is required by the Government for a public purpose. Appeal may be had against an award of compensation made by an assessment officer. The Act also provides for temporary occupation of waste or arable land for public purpose.

Registration of Titles Act 1924 (Cap. 230).

África oriental

This Act makes provision with respect to the registration of and certification and rectification of titles respecting land. It also provides rules relative to lease of land and other matters regarding land such as mortgage and legal actions regarding land and the bringing of land under this Act. Certificates of title shall be in one of the forms in the Third Schedule to this Act.

Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 1985 (Cap. 150).

África oriental

This Act provides rules relative to the exploration for and the exploitation of oil resources in Uganda. The Act also imposes certain duties on licence holders with respect to the protection of the environment and in case of emergencies. No person shall carry on any exploration or development operations on petroleum in or upon any land in Uganda except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued under this Act. The Government may enter into an agreement for the grant of a licence.