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Poverty and Land Policy in Cambodia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2007

Slow agricultural development has restrained economic growth and poverty alleviation in Cambodia. The country’s volatile history has left a legacy of weak tenure security and large areas of underutilized land. This study estimates the impact of access to land on poverty in a logistic regression framework using household survey data. Increased access to land is shown to significantly lower the risk of household poverty. Tenure security, land improvements and irrigation strengthens this effect.

Study on Land Allocation to Individual Households in Rural Areas of Lao PDR

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2004

The legal framework for land use planning and land allocation (LUP/LA) in Lao PDR has been analysed based on the relevant laws (Land Law, Forest Law, Agricultural Law etc.). A national LUP/LA program under the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has been created in 1996. Until 2003, district agricultural and forestry staff have conducted LUP/LA activities in a total of 5400 villages in all provinces of Lao PDR. It is estimated that approximately 300.000 Temporary Land Use Certificates have been issued as a result of LUP/LA.

The Report of Land and Human Development in Cambodia

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2007

The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to describe the legal and institutional framework governing land in Cambodia, as well as the current status of land ownership and use; (2) to estimate the impact of access to land on human development and the potential benefits from land reforms; and (3) to discuss implications for land polices and challenges for implementing land reforms.

Communal Titling for Cambodia’s Indigenous Peoples

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2003

The dramatic increase in migration and settlement in several areas where indigenous people live is leading to a multitude of problems for the original inhabitants. Lowland immigrants are taking advantage of the vulnerable situation of indigenous people, and the absence of regulations, to lay claim to the people’s traditional lands. Illegal land transactions are taking place at an alarming rate without thought of the problems that would result from widespread landlessness among indigenous peoples or the impact this is likely to have on the remaining forested areas.

Land Tenure in Cambodia: A Data Update

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2001

ABSTRACTED FROM THE OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to identify, scrutinise and comment upon the quality and adequacy of different existing large data sets (available from government ministries, international organisations, research institutions and so forth) that contain information on land use, tenure and related issues. It then analyses these data to establish linkages between standards of living/poverty and landholding.

Land Ownership, Sales and Concentration in Cambodia: A Preliminary Review of Secondary Data and Primary Data from Four Recent Surveys

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2000

Land is the most important productive asset in agrarian societies such as Cambodia’s. Throughout Cambodian history, land ownership rights have varied with changes in government. In the period before French colonisation (pre-1863), when all land belonged to the sovereign, people were freely allowed to till unoccupied land and could cultivate as much as they liked. With French colonisation, a property-rights system was introduced in 1884.

La legislación peruana y los derechos de pequeños agricultores y comunidades a la propiedad de las tierras - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES. (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2015

Se presenta el estado actual de la legislación peruana sobre las tierras agrícolas y las posibilidades de que los pequeños productores, individuales y colectivos accedan a la tierra. La legislación peruana es resultado de las profundas modificaciones en los marcos institucionales y políticos vividos en las últimas décadas y por ello, se aparta de los lineamientos de los paises vecinos.

Demanda de Tierras en Paraguay - Luis Rojas BASE Investigaciones Sociales. (octubre 2013)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2015

Este material incluye algunas estimaciones realizadas en relación a la demanda actual de tierras, la cantidad de familias sin tierras o con tierra insuficiente, informaciones del organismo de aplicación de la política de tierras en relación a sus beneficiarios, así como aspectos relevantes de la demanda de tierras a partir de la visión de las organizaciones campesinas, así como informaciones sobre…

Duitama Boyacá: Vereda San Luis

Reports & Research
Junio, 2014

30 familias organizadas resisten la expulsión por parte de los hacendados, defendiendo la tierra donde han vivido. Luego de largas negociaciones, donde los campesinos resisten las acciones de los hacendados en su contra, se llega a un acuerdo y cada una de las 300 familias recibe una parcela de tierra, titulada familiarmente, en contraprestación por sus años de trabajo en las grandes haciendas

La defensa de la propiedad comunitaria: Asociación Ganadera Agrícola del Valle Central de Tarija

Reports & Research
Julio, 2014

La titularidad les ha permitido la defensa de su territorio, pero no ha sido suficiente para garantizar la integridad del predio. El territorio se reduce para conformar dos comunidades campesinas, pero se logra mantener un solo predio como empresa AGAVAT, efectiva como estrategia de defensa del derecho de los campesinos sobre la tierra para desarrollar la ganadería trashumante.