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Displaying 817 - 828 of 2375

Urban land development in practice

Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 2009

This case study draws on research that sought to understand the process of urban land development in practice, from the perspectives of developers and municipalities. The research was undertaken by the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Pretoria, commissioned by Urban LandMark. The resource includes some learning and reflection activities based on the case study. These activities can be done individually or in groups, as appropriate for the learning session.

Land governance and its influence on access to urban land

Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 2009

This case study is based on research undertaken into the experiences of a poor community in accessing land through formal channels in peri-urban South Africa. The research was conducted by a team of researchers pulled together by the World Bank. The work was the result of a request by Mogale City Municipality for technical assistance on the design and implementation of integrated housing and agriculture projects.  The document presents the story of Ethembalethu.

Urban Land Markets , Economic Concepts And Tools For Engaging In Africa

Manuals & Guidelines
Noviembre, 2010

This Handbook introduces key economic and related concepts explaining the functioning of urban land markets. You will find in this Handbook tools for engaging in a critical analysis of conventional economics, particularly in the understanding of how African urban land markets work. Of great importance is the understanding of how land use, supply and demand unfold in African context. It provides a basis for strengthening urban policy in ways that enable poorer people in African cities to access well-located living and work spaces.

Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development: Analysis of Case Studies: Summary Reports of Case Studies

Manuals & Guidelines
Julio, 2016

This case study analysis forms part of the publication series “Unpacking metropolitan governance” that documents experiences and gives hands-on approaches for stakeholders in the field of sustainable development of metropolitan regions. 

Desafios para Moçambique 2016

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2016

Esta é a sétima edição da série “Desafios para Moçambique” do IESE, iniciada em 2010, com o objectivo de contribuir para a análise e debate público de desafios económicos, sociais e polí- ticos considerados relevantes. O livro contém 14 artigos, organizados em quatro partes: Política, Economia, Sociedade e Moçambique no Mundo. À semelhança da terceira edição (2012), na preparação da presente edição os coordenadores consideraram pertinente convidar os autores a relacionarem os seus artigos com uma temática principal.

Community and government: planning together for climate resilient growth

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2014

Planning for climate resilience growth is increasingly important for the natural resource dependent economy of Tanzania. Central government does not have the knowledge, reach, skills or resources needed to plan for the range of livelihoods within Tanzania; but local governments, if granted the authority and resources, could plan with communities in the flexible, timely and appropriate manner that climate variability demands.

Lavouras Transgênicas: Riscos e Incertezas

Journal Articles & Books
Marzo, 2015

Esta publicação representa a continuidade do trabalho iniciado por Magda Zanoni, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), no sentido de discutir os riscos das plantas transgênicas para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Em sua atuação no MDA e como representante do Ministério na CTNBio, Magda dedicou esforços para chamar a atenção à importância desse debate.

Accumulation by Land Dispossession and Labour Devaluation in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2010

New commercial pressures on land and its impact on small producers is one of the major issues being discussed in both national and international arenas. As foreign states and corporate entities continue to exert pressures on African countries to acquire land for various investment purposes, Tanzania is not exempted. The country is stereotypically perceived as having large underutilized, or rather unexploited, fertile land – the so-called ‗virgin land‘.

Energy and Food Demands, Drivers of Land Grab; A Case of Rufiji River Basin in Tanzania

Conference Papers & Reports
Septiembre, 2012

Contemporary waves of large scale land acquisitions for commercial production in developing countries in Africa and other parts of the world have been branded as ‘land grabs’ by many scholars, media and activists. Some scholars have describe this phenomena as the “new scramble for Africa” (Moyo and Yeros, 2011). However, others have refuted such a description on the grounds that the current land deals are being negotiated by sovereign African states in the exercise of powers that they have under national laws (Odhiambo, 2011).

Fazendeiros e Frigoríficos responderam aos Acordos de Desmatamento Zero na Amazônia Brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
Marzo, 2015

Novas intervenções na cadeia de fornecimento no setor de carne bovina no Brasil oferecem a promessa de reduzir o desmatamento vindo da expansão da agricultura comercial, à medida que multinacionais tem concordado em desistir de comprar de fazendas com desmatamento recente. Analisamos os acordos de desmatamento zero assinados pelos principais frigoríficos no Estado do Pará, na Amazônia Brasileira, usando dados de propriedades componentes das cadeias de fornecimento de carne bovina.

Relatório Técnico de Identificação e Delimitação (RTID) do Território da Comunidade Remanescente de Quilombo de Povoado Tabacaria

Conference Papers & Reports
Agosto, 2007

O presente Relatório Técnico de Identificação e Delimitação (RTID) apresenta informações históricas, antropológicas, sócio-econômicas, fundiárias, cartográficas, ambientais e ocupacionais, que compõem a instrução do Processo Administrativo nº.