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Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 793 (W.108) (W.88) of 2012).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

The Regulations make procedural provisions for applications for listed building consent, for conservation area consent, for the variation or discharge of conditions attached to listed building or conservation area consents and for appeals in respect of these matters.

Decreto Nº 3.516 - Reglamento para la Prevención y Control de la Contaminación Ambiental (Título IV, Libro VI: De la Calidad Ambiental, del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente).

América del Sur

El presente Decreto expide el Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente, en lo referente al Libro VI: Calidad ambiental, Título IV: Reglamento para la Prevención y Control de la Contaminación Ambiental, que tiene como objetivo determinar los límites permisibles para las descargas en cuerpos de aguas o sistemas de alcantarillado, emisiones al aire incluyendo ruido, vibraciones y otras formas de energía, vertidos, aplicación o disposición de líquidos, sólidos o combinación, en el suelo; y establecer los criterios de calidad de un recurso y criterios u objetivos

Land Act, 2012 (No. 6 of 2012).

África oriental

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters regarding public and private land and community land (as defined respectively by Articles 62, 63, 64 and 260 of the Constitution), and in particular provides of the sustainable administration and management of land and land-based resources. It also provides for (compulsory) acquisition of land.

Conservation and Land Management Regulations 2002.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984.The Regulations provide for the protection and conservation of fauna and flora and restrictions on fishing, taking or approaching certain marine fauna in marine parks or marine management areas, marine reserves and other land to which these regulations apply (CALM land).The Regulations provide for restrictions on the access to CALM land, on camping, on offensive and dangerous behavior, etc.

Decreto Supremo Nº 1.146 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 180 de 2011, de Protección del Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure – TIPNIS.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo tiene por objeto reglamentar la aplicación de la Ley N° 180 de 2011, de Protección del Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure – TIPNIS, en su doble condición de área Protegida y territorio indígena de los indígenas Yuracaré, Tsimane y Mojeño-Trinitario que lo habitan.

Decree-Law No. 43/2010 approving the National Regulation for Land and Urban Planning (RNOTPU).

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters, approves the National Regulation for Land and Urban Planning (RNOTPU). it specifies the basic legislation for territorial planning and its management, as established by Legislative Decree No. 1/2006. The Decree-Law, defines the instruments to regulate territorial: management development, planning, sectoral policy and regarding special nature, such as land planning of: protected areas, touristic areas, coastal zone management and hydrographic basins. It is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. I); Instument for territorial management (Chap.

Decision No.897 dated 21.12.2011 approving the rules for the proclamation of the special protected areas.

Europa meridional

The proclamation of the special protected areas (SPA) is done according to the requirements set forth by Article 4/3 of the Law 8906 of 2002 on protected areas. To be eligible for SPA status, the territories should be within existing protected areas and enjoy the Ramsar status as ligatins of international importance, or the Berne status as areas of great importance for the flora and fauna protection.

Implements: Law No. 8906 for protected areas. (2002-06-06)

Regulation on reconstruction plans on protected areas.

Asia occidental

The Regulation sets for the principles and procedures of preparation of projects, approval, implementation, supervision and audit of the reconstruction plans for protection. It also determines duties and authorities The Regulation covers reconstruction projects for national parks, natural assets, wetlands and conservation areas.

Implements: Decree Law No. 644 on the establishment and functions of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. (2011-06-29)
Implements: Law No. 2863 on the protection of cultural and natural assets. (1983-07-23)

European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Slyne Head to Ardmore Point Islands Special Protection Area 004159)) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 177 of 2012).

Europa septentrional

These Regulations designate a coastal area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. The purpose is to ensure survival and reproduction of all species of birds to which Article 4 relates and in particular those listed in Schedule 3 to these Regulations. Schedule 4 lists activities that require the consent of the Minister and may cause disturbance or damage to birds protected under Schedule 3.

Government Decree on the monitoring of requirements for good agricultural practice and environmental conditions and prescribing operational requirements relating to the environment and the scope of cross compliance (No. 636 of 2007).

Europa septentrional

This Decree provides for control measures as established by article 25 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers. It makes provision for an integrated administration and control system for purposes of the Regulation.