El derecho a participar: El papel de la participación en la redacción del Plan General de Madrid de 1985 / The right to participate: The role of participation in drafting the General Plan of Madrid, 1985
The paper synthesizes the methodological approach that was used in the thesis to develop the project of a new transport hub in the port of Villa San Giovanni in service of the metropolitan area of the Strait.
The effects determined in the landscape by plants powered by renewable sources represent some unresolved issues in terms of visual and landscape impact mitigation in general. These aspects relate to the landscape are recognized in all types of impact with due attention to the various components and dynamics involved identifiable in the landscape of reference.
This paper examines the effects of an international service-learning course with a strong human rights component. Human rights have social justice as an essential component and advancing both are considered core competencies in social work. International education in colleges and universities has gained in popularity as has service-learning. Research has been carried out in both these areas. However, less research has been done on the combination of the two.
In the fi rst part of the article we give an account of the urban transformations that took place in Latin American cities, especially in Argentina, with the implementation of neoliberal politics since the seventies. We assume that neither the architectural facts, let alone urban
Por más de dos décadas, en la Región de Aisén, en la Patagonia chilena, se vienen proponiendo modelos y estrategias de desarrollo innovadoras en busca de sustentabilidad. Estas propuestas han estado acompañadas con diversos intentos de ordenamiento territorial, aprovechando su escasa ocupación, lo cual en el último tiempo ha colisionado con intereses económicos./For over two decades, in the Aisen Region in the Chilean Patagonia, have been proposing models and innovative development strategies for sustainability.
Las cuencas son complejos sistemas ambientales en que se desarrollan procesos geomorfológicos, hidrológicos, climáticos y ecológicos, que son impactados por la urbanización. En este trabajo se estudian seis cuencas del piedemonte andino de la ciudad de Santiago que se encuentran en diferentes fases del proceso de urbanización, variando entre Macul-San Ramón, en donde casi el 40% de su superficie ha sido incorporada a la ciudad, y Pirque, que mantiene aún sus características agrícolas y rurales.
The field of urban and regional planning is experiencing some fundamental changes that are having impacts on the use of computer-based models in planning practice and education. One of the key changes is the use of powerful, cheap and easy to use GIS software and hardware. This has led to the creation of more extensive spatially referenced datasets, making GIS an essential tool for some planners and management tasks such as land monitoring, code enforcement and permit tracking.
Durante el año 2003 en la comuna de Peñalolén se produjo un conflicto urbano entre los integrantes de una comunidad ecológica y los habitantes de una toma¹ de terreno. Esta situación reactivó la discusión acerca de la segregación urbana y la voluntad de integración en la ciudad de sectores social y culturalmente diversos.
During the period immediately after World War II, planning in North America and Europe followed highly centralized, top-down, command-and-control approaches that were based on the rational-comprehensive model of planning, which implies an all-knowing, all-powerful government. Part and parcel of this approach was the government’s control of development land and its value.
In broader terms, the paper refers to the topic of brownfield regeneration, as one of the most complex mechanisms for sustainable spatial development. In addition to the fact that brownfield regeneration demands a variety of instruments, such as: tax subsidies, the change of land use ownership, soil remediation, planning regulative amendments, etc., the complexity of brownfield regeneration is primarily seen in a number of stakeholders participating in such a process.