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Décret nº 99-355 pris pour l'application de l'article 257 du Code général des impôts et relatif aux conditions d'option pour l'imposition à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée des cessions de terrains réalisées par les collectivités territoriales ou leurs gr...

Europa occidental

Ce décret énonce le texte de l'article 260 de l'annexe II au code général des impôts, pris pour l'application de l'article 257 du même code et relatif aux conditions d'option pour l'imposition à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée des cessions de terrains réalisées par les collectivités territoriales ou leurs groupements.

Coast Protection Act, 1949 (Cap. 74).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Act provides for measures against erosion and encroachment of the coast of Great Britain by the sea. Part I of this Act provides for the protection of the coast. In sections 1 to 3 it provides for the administration relative to coast protection. It appoints the council of each maritime county, borough or county district as coast protection authority for its territory. Section 2 concerns the constitution of coast protection boards for areas to be specified by the Minister. Section 3 provides for joint committees of coast protection authorities.

Regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decree No. 194/PM dated 12 November 1994 on the transformation of state land use right and ownership on houses, vehicles and essential household equipments into...

Asia sudoriental

The Regulation establishes certain conditions and criteria for the transfer of the ownership or right of use of land, houses, vehicles and household equipment. Further provisions concern the determination of the selling prices, the rights and obligations of purchasers, lessees or successors.

Implements: Decree of the Prime Minister relating to the transformation of State land use right and ownership on houses, vehicles and essential household equipment into Government personnel ownership and use right. (1994-11-12)

Décret n° 2002-078 du 29 octobre 2002 modifiant et remplaçant certaines dispositions du décret n° 2000-089 du 17 juillet 2000 abrogeant et remplaçant le décret n° 90-20 du 31 janvier 1990 portant application de l’ordonnance 83-127 du 5 juin 1983 portan...

África occidental

Le présent décret modifie et remplace les dispositions de l’article 48 du décret n° 2000-089 du 17 juillet 2000.Aux termes de l’article 48 nouveau, les personnes physiques ou morales, ayant acquis sur la base de permis d’occuper un ou plusieurs terrains par achat, échange ou cession gratuite, peuvent régulariser leur situation après paiement des droits d’enregistrement dans les délais prescrits s par le Code General des impôts.

Décret du 11 juillet 1960 portant le régime foncier.

África oriental

Ce décret porte régime foncier au Rwanda. Il est formé par 20 articles répartis en 4 chapitres, à savoir: Substitution des pouvoirs en matière de cession et de concession de terres domaniales (I); Constatation et rachat des droit coutumiers (II); Octroi de la propriété immobiière individuelle aux occupants coutumiers et aux détenteurs d'un droit d'occupation du sol (III); Dispositions générales (IV).

Decreto Supremo Nº 25.848 - Modifica el Reglamento de la Ley Nº 1.715, del Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto aprueba diversas modificaciones al Reglamento de la Ley del Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria.

Enmienda: Decreto Supremo Nº 25.763 - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 1.715, del Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria. (2000-05-05)

Government Regulation RI No. 11/2010 concerning the control and utilization of neglected land.

Asia sudoriental

This Government Regulation provides for the prevention, orderly control and utilization of neglected land.Neglected land will cover land which was granted the right by the State in the form of Ownership Right, Right to Use for Business, Right to Construct Building, Right to Use and Right to Manage, and that has not been exploited, used or managed according to the conditions set out by the State.The Regulation states that neglected land shall be utilized by the State to run the national development program, particularly in the agrarian sector.

Agreement of 1996 between the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Krasnodar Territory.

Europa oriental

Authorised representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Krasnodar Territory have agreed on the following: 1). The State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Krasnodar Territory jointly are authorized to: a). establish the conditions for economic activity and use of natural resources on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory pertaining to health resorts (spa) and recreational areas; b).

Regional Law No. 15-OZ “On terms and conditions of distribution of infrastructure on plots of public land pertaining to regional and municipal ownership without allotment of plots of land and without application of servitude.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that starting from 1 March 2015 terms and conditions for location of infrastructure on plots of public land pertaining to regional and municipal ownership without allotment of plots of land and without application of servitude shall be set forth by the Regional Government.

Action Plan for Implementing Forestry Policies and Strategies.

National Policies

The Action Plan is a national plan with a sectoral approach. The time frame of the Plan is 10 years between 2010 -2020. The objectives of the Plan are a) improvement of forest management; b) capacity building; c) protection of forests; d) forestry sector development; e) development of private sector.To increase forest production and to reduce the risks of forest production losses, strong control mechanisms will be enforced, environmental protection and forest management will be improved. The seedling production capacity will also be improved.

Enforcement Rules of Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act.

Asia oriental

These Rules are enacted pursuant to the Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act.Article 3 provide for the contents of soil and water conservation plan. Where the municipal or county/city competent authority designates the way in which soil and water conservation is to be handled and maintained, the area, method of handling and maintenance, and time for completion shall be notified to the operator, user or owner of the slopeland (art.5).

Implements: Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act. (2006-06-14)