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Open Government Data. Notes for a State of the Art 2016 and Focus on Italian Government Real Estate Data

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2016

Public Administrations (PA) collect data. They do that to function and for accountability purposes.
The digital revolution implies that the cost of making these data available for reuse is negligible, while it increases the opportunity cost of limiting their use to the purpose for which they were originally collected.
The law encourages such reuse, and there is a growing number of technical standards and good practices making that easier and sustainable. In short, nowadays, the publication of open data is a good practice, but also a duty for PAs.

La Cittadella di Alessandria: valori e strategie in gioco nel processo di sdemanializzazione

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2015

Le tematiche inerenti la valorizzazione dei patrimoni demaniali, della loro gestione e riequilibrio finanziario tramite un’attenta politica di dismissioni e di crescita di redditività attraverso la concessione o la locazione a terzi, sono andate ampliandosi, ponendo crescente attenzione agli aspetti della finanza pubblica.

Situating CASBEE, a Japanese-made unique building rating and certification system, within a broader context

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2014

An underlying premise of the voluntary assessments and certifications offered by existing major building performance assessment systems is that if the market is provided with improved information and mechanisms, a discerning client group can and will provide leadership in environmental responsibility, and that others will follow suit to remain competitive.

Drones in cadastral applications: possible uses

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2016

The considerable diffusion of technologies that use drones as the carriers that make it possible to bring photogrammetric sensors to heights for the acquisition of territorial information is arousing interest in a production sector, that of geotopographic information, which like other sectors, needs to find new stimulus in order to renew itself.


Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero, 2017

Poland poddavalsya inventory changes. His origins are taking beginning in late and early vosemnadtsatoho devyatnadtsatoho century, when Polish state zahvatchyky sozdaly The first kadastrovыe otchetы. Austria, Prussia and Russia sozdalytry kadastrovыe system, three yspolzuyuschye system recovery country yzmerenyya.Vo TIME 1918 - 1939 Manuscript kadastrovыe bыly oriented work on the creation edynoy nalohovoy system for vsey territory of the country. After the war bыly zavershenы work. Modernization of the cadastre prodolzhalas in the direction Increase the accuracy and quality of data.

Conceptual approach and ecological and economic principles of agricultural land use of land reclamation lands

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2015

The analysis of existent conceptual approach‐
es is conducted, the set forth ecological and eco‐
nomic principles of rational agricultural land‐
tenure are reasonable on the reclamated earth,
theoretical approach is worked out in relation to
providing of firmness and balanced of agricultural
land‐tenure on the reclamated earth.

Strategies and monitoring instruments for a correct land use

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2016

The evolution of urban planning has seen gradually emerging models based on a clear separation between the phase of knowledge and that of choices, with an increasing role for a third step, evaluation, as a link between the two. Recently, the increased focus on the issue of land use has transformed the monitoring tools in the objectives of government land policies. This would have required a radical rethinking of the approach, as also is confirmed by the very disappointing results of the policies.